Cobra Commander

Yes, but Old Dutch chips are just delightful.

Lane didn't just call Pete a pimp, he called him a grimy little pimp. That was what I thought of as soon as he approached Joan.

Lane didn't just call Pete a pimp, he called him a grimy little pimp. That was what I thought of as soon as he approached Joan.

Or Lifetime movies.

Or Lifetime movies.

Oh good! It's not just me.

Oh good! It's not just me.

There is something about Ryan Reynolds that makes me want to just punch him in the face. Is this just me or do other people feel like this?

There is something about Ryan Reynolds that makes me want to just punch him in the face. Is this just me or do other people feel like this?

That TV show was awesome, but the movies really not that great. The TV show was basically about a guy plowing his way through history with sword fights.

That TV show was awesome, but the movies really not that great. The TV show was basically about a guy plowing his way through history with sword fights.

mratfink Yes totally! He seems to have realized that if he just hangs back the women will turn on each other and he will just seem more and more attractive…as a goat to bring to the end.

You know what, I was thinking Tarzan is going to take this thing. He's actually a much better player than we think. Or at least that's what I thought before the next week preview, things maybe don't look too good for him.

Yep that was weird. I'm sure I saw him grab her ass too.

Kat and her cousin have to be a bit more than cousins right, cause that shit got a bit weird.

No love for Nyder? I think he's my favorite part of Genesis of the Daleks. I really like how many times he sees that he's outnumbered and then runs down a corridor. 

If Jay and Troy had coordinated better I think they could have been a real power couple this season, but as it turned out they were both suckers (assuming Troy goes home next week)

I think Troy is next to go unless he can win immunity. Then I think we'll see an interesting episode with the women looking at who's left (Leif and Tarzan), I think we might see a bit of a scramble then. But I don't think there is any way Leif can get very far with the loser edit he's been getting so far (I'm always

Jay went out like a little punk. Running to Kim to tell her what Troyzan was planning. It serves him right.

I thought that was crazy when Kim was saying we can get Tarzan to vote for Jay or Trozyan. Tarzan don't play that way!