Cobra Commander

I'm really impressed by Tryozan's play in this game, but I fear it is too late for him to save himself.
Seems like he has good instincts and was able to tell that something was up, unlike Jay who I thought was a good player too until now, but he was completely fooled.

I think the answer to Chelsea's boob job is in the screen shot at the top. In other words yes.
Did anyone else find it frustrating that she was wearing that longer shirt for the whole episode? Damn you Survivor I need this.

Except as a comedian he's not really that funny, unless the whole douche bit is an act.

I know the round with Troyzan and Kat was crazy. You should be able to at least remember one item each time. I think maybe Troyzan just pulled the lever right away each time. Although I am kind of liking Troyzan now (not a rooster).

I think Bill might be putting on an act, nobody could be that much of a douche right?…right?

I realized (after Matt getting voted out) that "muscle" on this season is a bit unnecessary. The whole point in previous seasons is that you need to compete against the "muscle" of the other tribe, but since the women don't have the same upper body strength of the men it's not really an issue.

My thinking is the only reason T-Dog is still around is for when Mearle comes back.

I watched this on Dailymotion. I usually find them quite good even when split into pieces, but this one was horrible. It seemed to be just one long episode, must have been the movie format. Hard to get used to when I normally see these in 20 something minute episodes.

I really like Ace as a character, especially after the awfulness of Mel.

Yes this one was a bit of a mess. I also don't remember it from when it first aired. It's possible I just missed it or maybe I tuned out when I couldn't follow the plot.

I found this episode very confusing. I think what bothered me the most was that the Doctor knew where he was and what he was doing from the start. I'm much more used to him having to muddle through in the beginning.

I disagree with this. When someone breaks their arm on in the first part of a challenge that challenge is bullshit. I think that they (Probst) knew that Kourtney was out of the game anyway so the tribal council was pointless since nobody else was going home.

I really hope that the women can get together and beat the all the douchbags on the guy team, otherwise this season is going to suck. That parade of shirtless assholes made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.

I was really hoping that it would turn out Colton isn't gay. Like he would have a confessional in a normal voice or something. I wonder if pretending to be the gayest man in the universe would work as a strategy?

Thank you Evil Lincoln I was trying to remember where I knew the landlord from.

yes of course two of the biggest reasons

Damn, beat me too it. Peri was one of the only reasons I watched Doctor Who too.

He also lets the vine swing and kills at least another three people.

I can only think of two good reason to watch Vengeance on Varos…they're both under a blue top.

I'm watching along as well this time and I'm planning on not getting ahead Zach…although that might be difficult the season 1 box is looking at me seductively. Well maybe just one more episode.