Inspector X

Fine by me, so long as I get credited for the remark.

You telling me Justin Bieber is no longer doing the job? Damn, that was fast.

No 98 Degrees?

Not to mention the time when he whipped it out during one of the primary debates back in '08 and dared Guillani to suck it.

This would be really important news
If somehow the years of 1990 and 1998 merged together to create a time vortex of meh.

I know it's a sterotype, but there always seems to be this contigent of hot blond Mormons walking around.

Bullshit, give me the Cowboy Bebop future any day of the week.

NBC: Nothin' but cooter

It does explain how Jimmy Hoffa became so powerful.


From what I've gathered and this can be further verified by my east coast associate Idiotking is that yes, Kylie has a massive gay following.

You'd be correct. BoInG!

Fuck yeah Bad Romance, hell I enjoy the hell out of Paparazzi and the beat of Alejandro even though the lyrics are incredibly silly.

Say what you will about Kayne, but I really enjoy "Heartless". The video to that song is fucking great.

I had been working at my new job for a few months where I dealt with a major dental issue, did pilates and starting doing voicemails on a podcast that would soon give me the inspiration to do my own show.

That's nothing new, and at least unlike say Paris Hilton years ago. At least there's musical talent, imo.

I have to agree with Arsenio, while Britney may have been first. I greatly prefer Gaga's songs. Even though both are what I think of as "Stupidly brilliant" pop songs. Gaga's at least gives the impression of being more sophisticated as opposed to being dumb and trashy with Britney.

Even though she's been around for 13 years
It still amazes how many young gay guys go crazy for her. Even if they're 18, 19 years old. She, much like Gaga is gay catnip.

What you also don't realize is that Nelson's character got his wife pregnant while they were teenagers.

Turn your head and coif