Inspector X

Annnndddd I just found Col. Gentlemen using the same line. Ehhh, I'm still going with it.

"But when the democrats are back in office. I'LL BE BACK ON THE STREETS WITH ALL OF MY CRIMINAL BUDDIES!"

But unlike Bigger than Life, Water Matthau does not show up to kick Sideshow Bob's ass.

"Next time on MacGver, MacGyver, MACGYVER"

Someone better call the Ex-Presidents: Either the superheroes or the bank robbers. Either one will do.

What me, worry?

Let me clear, I'm not hating on the wife or daughter, especially the daughter.

Yeah, his wife is not hot and his daughter at least from what I can remember basically looks like him.

I mean, just think about that untapped section of consumers. No one has ever been able to pull that off.

Could be anything more confusing
Than the signal instructions Mr. Burns gave to Homer.


@Colonel Gentlemen

And he is in LA this weekend.

Well shit man, why not just have one of the former members just fly a plane right into the high school?

By screenplay, you mean 30 minute fuck scene?

Say Hi to Danny Glover's Dickblood for me.

"White guys with dreadlocks, throw those fuckers in jail" - Todd Barry

And then there was that other episode featuring Marcia Gay Harden as the mother of kid who was on life support after getting shot. It was profiled on a "Very Special Episode".

The guy in Startropics?

The Gay cop out was also used when Bart suggested that Skinner make a pass at his commanding officer to get out of the army.