Inspector X

Cuz he blabbed about Mars?

You expect me to believe that these guys would know who, much less be able to spell this guy's name?

When Hitler got banned from Xbox Live. Which I think is the first of these parodies.

The Cinema Snob did a review of it and you're right Edked. It is unbearable.

Hey, says here I get a pig every month!

I regret not going but I wasn't in the best shape health wise.

Best headline:

"Suspect is hatless. I REPEAT, HATLESS!"


Yeah right, you can't expect me to believe that the lead character is any way a nerd.

Freaks and Geeks

I second what Idiotking is saying except to the Chris Colfer thing.

Gonna have to agree with the poster above here.

He's right, Slimey the worm is his companion.

Hey, does the URL read "WorldNetDaily"? Get your Michelle Malkin fix somewhere else.

"That's right, all of the colors of the rainbow."

"You are Lisa Simpson" and when Maggie utters her first word when no one is around get me misty eyed.

As much as I disagree with that Ghostbusters review. Using that as a tool to negate anything and everything Koski does is lazy and more importantly stupid.

She isn't, she just does stupidly brilliant pop songs that gays love cuz its got a great beat and you can dance to it.

Lisa winning the Nobel prizeā€¦for Kickboxing!