Inspector X

Oh yeah, that movie is a requirement for any young male struggling with their sexuality.

Velvet Goldmine
That movie may have issues but goddamn Jonathan Rhys Meyers is fucking stunning in that movie.

I heard Davey Havok took over the lead for Bille Joe. I wonder how that's going….okay, not really.

I graduated in 2002, so it was "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World.

After looking up Ari's picture. I can say, yes, yes he is.

Both Rob Long and The Urban Man can get fucked. Those guys are horrendously irrritating.

It's going to odd watching Rawls say how much of an asshole McNulty is while giving the double thumbs-up.

I agree, he was surprisingly good on Dexter.

Just a humble melonfarmer with an overly large wang.

All a square watermelon is someone putting a basket around a growing watermelon. The watermelon then just takes the shape of the basket and there ya go.

You don't understand the state fair circuit, Billingham!

The episode of Louie where his mother shows up is one of the best examples of television out there.

The trailer for Source Code looks like as if Neveldine/Taylor redid Time After Time.

What the hell defines a 1999 haircut? Only thing I can envision at the time was that every guy seemed to bleach their hair blond.

That's the internet, baby. You've got to look at all of the angles before you post.

So watching Glee gives you gas?

This Inspector is gonna continue to inspect the ever lovin shit out things!

Not only is a watermelon nature's keg. It's also a handy-dandy vehicle for fucking.

Had he not been fucked out of the Ninja Turtles deal (Which obviously was complete BS and confirmed by Kevin Eastman himself) the man would not in the fiscal straits he is currently in.

So is the watermelon coming in to kill him or rape him? Don't leave us hanging here!