
How has no one mentioned Darlene Conners or Donna Pinciotti yet? (Also on my list: Angela Chase, Willow Rosenberg, Fred, Elliot Reid)

I notice that their YouTube channel is
"ccaaofficial". Is there an unofficial channel they need to
differentiate themselves from?

One thing that I always thought was missing from this episode (which I haven't seen in a while, so forgive me if my memory is off) was an acknowledgement that Buffy had already changed the rules years ago. She hadn't been "the" Vampire Slayer since the first time she died. Magic had already been used to essentially

I have fond memories of "The Pegasus" for being my introduction to the awesomeness of Terry O’Quinn.

Thanks Donna!
More than any other show, I often felt alone in my love for NewsRadio. Some of my friends and siblings knew it, liked it, but unlike any other of my favourite shows, I'd always quote NR to blank looks. Your write-ups often made my Tuesdays the past four summers.

I might not be able to give an eloquent defense of it
But I really like "Towers," dammit.

Yeah, there's a big difference between the mustaches seen in "President" and Jimmy's full jail beard.

I always heard Johnny's "naked hot tub orgy" line without the 'then,' as if he'd bribed them *with* the naked hot tub orgy.

The thing I love about this exchange is that it works so well for the characters—Dave knows exactly what it takes to get Lisa into the sack.

Bamber out of work?
Did that whole "Law & Order UK" thing not work out?

Radiohead in Oxford
While i wasn't at that show, I have a bootleg of it, and have always loved listening to the crowd reaction to "Creep". As soon as they hit the very first note, it sounds like 30,000 minds being blown. And then the cheering abruptly stops so they can all sing along.

This episode justified the existence of the MK movie and its accompanying soundtrack.

Dave's "No!" is a great callback to his reaction to Jimmy running for President.

Ah, Dallas, right. I didn't realize that the whole JR thing was at the end of a season.

Would anyone else agree that the S3 finale may be the greatest sci-fi finale ever? Sure, there have been a lot of awesome ones in the 20 years since, but I still remember the utter shock and confusion I felt when it first aired. And while I don't really know my sci-fi tv history, it definitely has to be one of the

Donna's NewsRadio recaps (you did the previous seasons, right?) are also what got me to finally register with A.V. Club.

"Courtroom" Scene
I think I posted this in one of last season's recaps, but I love a particular pause in the courtroom scene:

The Fire Gag
Is one of my favourite bits from the entire series. It just comes across as so confident when a half-hour sitcom can devote that much time to silent comedy.

Bwa ha ha you're going to see the Dolls at Sound of Music? When that was announced, my friend called me at like midnight on a Wednesday just to inform me that the New York Dolls and Moneen were playing in Burlington. It was so random. (He considered this big news because we'd grown up there, and the Sound of Music

I'd say I have a few
- Interpol at the Horseshoe in 2002. It was pretty much the same week that Turn on the Bright Lights came out, and I'd already listened to the EP and liked it. However, I was living in the (relative) outskirts of Toronto, and had gotten tired of trekking all the way downtown to see shows by