Is there any better poster-child for "career that he deserved" than Christian Slater? I mean, like a blind squirrel finding a nut, even Hollywood sometimes finds its way.
Is there any better poster-child for "career that he deserved" than Christian Slater? I mean, like a blind squirrel finding a nut, even Hollywood sometimes finds its way.
Is there any better poster-child for "career that he deserved" than Christian Slater? I mean, like a blind squirrel finding a nut, even Hollywood sometimes finds its way.
I this case not having the Mars part seemed like a good idea - at least it would be a different take. Now, it seems like they didn't replace what they took out with anything, so that was a failure. But bland lead, slumming villain, PG-13 action, chick-fu, science a climate-change denialist would bristle at and a…
You`ve got to realize that a Steve McQueen performance lends itself to monotony. " - R. Mitchum
I dunno; seemed apt.
You`ve got to realize that a Steve McQueen performance lends itself to monotony. " - R. Mitchum
I dunno; seemed apt.
Was anyone? Sure, I guess it's a make-do for people with librarian fetishes in the 21st century, but it was always so incredibly forced, calculated and focus-grouped that you never really could take it seriously. Girls who dig tech stuff? Sure, great, awesome. Girls who dig tech stuff and wear it like a badge? Nice…
Was anyone? Sure, I guess it's a make-do for people with librarian fetishes in the 21st century, but it was always so incredibly forced, calculated and focus-grouped that you never really could take it seriously. Girls who dig tech stuff? Sure, great, awesome. Girls who dig tech stuff and wear it like a badge? Nice…
Actually ignore that boilerplate gender crap. Through the Earth's core? Seriously. Through the core? How stupid can this movie be?
Actually ignore that boilerplate gender crap. Through the Earth's core? Seriously. Through the core? How stupid can this movie be?
It's odd - in the trailers, you show one of the female leads punch another in the face, as if it's "badass semi-waif-like model chick is badass" and yet all I could think of is how cliche'd that was - she wasn't beating the crap out of a man (kinda disturbing to mouthbreathers) or having a man beat her in the face…
It's odd - in the trailers, you show one of the female leads punch another in the face, as if it's "badass semi-waif-like model chick is badass" and yet all I could think of is how cliche'd that was - she wasn't beating the crap out of a man (kinda disturbing to mouthbreathers) or having a man beat her in the face…
I kept wanting to like it, but man, was it hard to like any of the characters.
I kept wanting to like it, but man, was it hard to like any of the characters.
The first season, seqason-and-a-half was my favorite TV show at the time. I found it funny, a little biting, and the don't-give-a-fuck attitude (or what I though it was) was refreshing. It was only when either I started noticing or they started changing that I stopped finding it funny. Part of me is embarrassed that I…
The first season, seqason-and-a-half was my favorite TV show at the time. I found it funny, a little biting, and the don't-give-a-fuck attitude (or what I though it was) was refreshing. It was only when either I started noticing or they started changing that I stopped finding it funny. Part of me is embarrassed that I…
That was Randy trying to pick up hooker-Cartman, right? Having not seen much late-series South Park, but knowing how big a character he becomes, I'm assuming that doesn't come up much? Or is it now me being naive?
That was Randy trying to pick up hooker-Cartman, right? Having not seen much late-series South Park, but knowing how big a character he becomes, I'm assuming that doesn't come up much? Or is it now me being naive?
Yeah, I know who much we worship cults, but just because you don't venerate every saint of your movement doesn't mean the way you agree with 90% of it somehow becomes irrelevant. If I don't like this particular pope, does that mean I'm suddenly not Catholic?
Yeah, I know who much we worship cults, but just because you don't venerate every saint of your movement doesn't mean the way you agree with 90% of it somehow becomes irrelevant. If I don't like this particular pope, does that mean I'm suddenly not Catholic?
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