
Anyone can be alive, but only special people die because they were right all along!

My first Kiss record was Destroyer, so it was an early lesson in "this is the best it's gonna get, so don't bother looking forward to anything".

My first Kiss record was Destroyer, so it was an early lesson in "this is the best it's gonna get, so don't bother looking forward to anything".

Dr Davis, telephone please. Dr Davis, telephone please. Dr Blair, Dr Blair, Dr J Hamilton, Dr J Hamilton.

Dr Davis, telephone please. Dr Davis, telephone please. Dr Blair, Dr Blair, Dr J Hamilton, Dr J Hamilton.

Has there ever been a film when the slacker/party girl/punk/hipster/whatever is finally forced to grow up and as a result they wind up much more interesting and compelling? I know movies are to a degree fantasy and always lean towards the "escape from the mundane", but surely maturity can't be all bad? Or can it?

Has there ever been a film when the slacker/party girl/punk/hipster/whatever is finally forced to grow up and as a result they wind up much more interesting and compelling? I know movies are to a degree fantasy and always lean towards the "escape from the mundane", but surely maturity can't be all bad? Or can it?

No kidding; Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley won't live forever.

No kidding; Michael Caine and Ben Kingsley won't live forever.

Man, I hope those eyes are photoshopped, cause I'm getting this hardcore replicant vibe. Granted, replicants tend to be pretty hot, but still…

Man, I hope those eyes are photoshopped, cause I'm getting this hardcore replicant vibe. Granted, replicants tend to be pretty hot, but still…

Eh, I'm probably going to be stuck on a bus next to that disphit anyway - at least this way he has a topic.

Eh, I'm probably going to be stuck on a bus next to that disphit anyway - at least this way he has a topic.

So I wonder. When they write movies like this, do they start intending to have two humans at the center and just decide it's too hard (not to mention alienating to focus groups) so they go with the MPDG (or, possibly, the personality-free reward-man you get in chick flicks)? Or is that not the idea at all, and at

So I wonder. When they write movies like this, do they start intending to have two humans at the center and just decide it's too hard (not to mention alienating to focus groups) so they go with the MPDG (or, possibly, the personality-free reward-man you get in chick flicks)? Or is that not the idea at all, and at

Sheesh - should be pure muscle memory by now. Still, I'm sure there's a pdf you can grab that'll clear it right up on the net somewhere.

Sheesh - should be pure muscle memory by now. Still, I'm sure there's a pdf you can grab that'll clear it right up on the net somewhere.



How could such a bullet-proof high-concept film fails to deliver the goods? It's like Snakes On a Plane all over again!