
All handicapped people have magical powers, unless they were physically crippled due to being bad people, in which case the whole point is for them to regain their lost humanity - the disability is magical by itself, rather than granting powers. But born damage is simply a sign of other-specialty.

Yeah, at least outside of the blast radius of a thermobaric/mininuke attack on DC?

This was made on a dare, right? Like a "I bet I can get a film made using my douchebag cousin's idea of what humans think is entertaining while I try to finish my 8th year as an NYU undergrad" kind of thing? I sure hope so.

Heh - had a friend become physically ill during Bad Taste (so we never managed to finish it). Nice to see it up there. Myself, I had a real hard time with the cannibal scene from I Saw the Devil - watching the guy (who was still a junior monster in that movie) happily chew his human meat just got to me.

The best part is they then interpret that into "let's make our hero a total Mary Sue that no one will actually like, because we're terrified any actual personality will incrementally shed viewers, and we're on the bubble anyway so we can't afford any reduction, so let's do the safe thing and fail in a way that will be

I dunno; these movies are clearly not meant to convert, but to preach to the faithful, the choir. It's a "movie for us", like nerd references in an especially fan-servicey Community episode, or easter eggs in a video game. No one who isn't part of a church group is likely to even know about these sorts of films, much

I saw it during the protest too, and it was really simple. "You got your sex in my Jesus! No, you got my Jesus in your sex!" None of the rest even registered for them, but simply the idea that Jesus ever got his freak on, even in an imaginary fantasy-scene, was beyond the pale. So out came the protest signs.

Date movie!

I was going to say how this sounds like a subversive way to show what seems to be a noble sufferer who is actually mentally ill (in that her expectations of others are simply things humans are unable to ever provide, and the latter scene in the shelter displays another side of her inability to connect with humans as

I saw House of the Dead because it had Jurgen Prochnow and Clint Howard in it and it was bad and I kind of felt sad for everyone involved. My impression is his films are the kind that get D+s and C-s; just lazy, sloppy, perfunctory and a whole lotta nothing. Like an enfant terrible who's out of good material, or

National elections are only able to be bought by billionaires now because people keep watching their attack ads on broadcast TV, so you know - this is hardly the worst of it.

So "standin' on your momma's porch" means something really dirty I just can't quite put my finger on?

People in factories and coal mines work hard (or at least that's what I'd like to imagine). Rich and successful people are that way because they project the appearance of what the rest of us suckers want to be - tall, pretty, rich, and popular.  No one wants to be a person who actually works hard - just one that

Tvtropes: The Young Adult Adventure Series could be pretty awesome, in the idea that the goal would be to not only use every one you could, but also to embody the Mary Sue, glazed reality version of the mythic story most of them always seem top point to. 

After watching the Plinkett videos on the SW prequels and how they showed how detached the actors kept getting from their surroundings, the green-screen concept is even more a warning sign than it would have been. Even professional actors greatly benefit from some context around them to react to, and SyFy-price-range

Well, the show was always pretty religious, but enough other stuff (Iraq parallels, mostly), was there that you could ignore it if you chose to. Until Season 4, anyway. It wasn't so much as it changed, but it brought all the subtext forward, which always pisses people off.

As much as we all hope that NBC will finally read the tea leaves and just go full-on softcore (there could be kids watching, so no penetration!), they aren't quite there yet.

Don't forget the horribly misguided CGI costumes, basic misunderstanding of the entire concept of "hero" and the way the only part anyone likes - the alien planet with the aliens on it - is over so quickly. Plus my pet peeve, where apparently you have a single, privately-owned company making front-line jet fighters,

Yeah, that's why my bro just gives me a Best Buy gift certificate every year. It's the gift that says "I have less money now because you were born."

Wow that face is round like a basketball. I look at her and instinctively think of my pathetic NCCAA bracket and cry - thanks a lot, otherwise-attractive woman!