Needs more Queen Dopplepopoulos
Needs more Queen Dopplepopoulos
Sanford and Son knocked it out of the park.
Presumably you also think we hate Tim Tebow because he's a nice guy, rather than, you know, being ridiculously unqualified for his job.
I miss V and The Event for precisely that, having never seen a second (beyond from ads) of either show. And The Cape was pretty sweet as well. Too bad I had nothing to ad (having, again, not watched any) as the comments of all those got pretty sparse near their respective ends.
No kidding. I now feel a little bad about being relieved that some guy I don't know died instead of someone else I've never met… but not that bad.
Women's filthy lust never invites me in, which really sucks.
Yeah, I've been lousy with Matts. Two different friends, step-brother - once worked with, and for (who himself answered to yet a different) Matt and there was yet another Matt two cubes down. And for some reason as a kid I knew three different Mark Millers, at different times, none of which were related to each other.
Well, I watched 10 minutes of it - not sure that a show that makes me wish the lead character gets repeatedly punched in the face is going into the "must see TV" bucket.
This reviews tells me "you can't polish a turd". I mean, a decent premise that was poorly-executed, or strangled by exposition, or even sort of flailing for direction can be saved through effort and fine-tuning. But I'm just near hearing any there there to be salvaged.
Gozu is awesome, but the entire time you're sort of thinking that if you really, truly "get it", man, run don't walk to whatever mental health you can find.
Huh - I saw the ads during football about how they were showing it all week and that struck me as more desperation ("please watch the show we like but will probably have to kill because you people won't watch it!!!") than some sort of clever promotion. Wasn't thinking about HSB, though.
The scenes at the end of The Shining when they show ghost-people dressed up in their weird period costumes, looking aware but totally dead-eyed. Gah!
I found Mouth of Madness excruciating. The female lead did the worst acting job I've ever seen (surely she had to be revealed as a zombie or something, but no, she just sucked), the rubber monster stupid yet not quite entertainingly so, and the entire "us artist types are so sensitive and awesome that we not only see…
Action Oxford still couldn't stand up to Johnny Longtorso (the doll that comes in pieces!).
Hey man, I just work here.
No, but when it was drafted, "We must prepare for Morrissey, even though he won't even be American" was brought up several times.
The Star Whackers have learned how to successfully apply for visas!
Yeah. So much hype for this band, that I had talked myself into the idea they were this hidden gem that I'd stupidly missed, and finally went out and bought the record. It was going to be great, it was going to change my life, it was going to…. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Holy crap is that record dull and…
Over and over, the complaints about DA2 seem to be about what it isn't (and never intended or pretended to be) versus what it is. Yes, certain dungeon sets were horribly overused, but replaying DA1 again, and they did a lot of the same, only were maybe less obvious about it. But it isn't a "standard" RPG with…
Yeah, the marriage was sort of a containment method for two champion rampaging hipster douchebags - now that they're separate, the danger doubles (probably)!