
I agree. I found the gypsy unlikable and unsympathetic, and while the protagonist's poorly-chosen "get tough" moment was her own doing, it was hardly deserving of the eventual ending. While I know real life is like that, by adding magic (and thus wish-fulfillment-based morality), you sort of make it hard for

I have absolutely no answer for how attractive Kristen Schaal is. Every bit of evidence would suggest the contrary, yet there I am, 'bating like it's a contest.

I prefer my comedians, of either gender, to be pretty damn ugly. Goofy-looking can work, but the CKs, the Kinnisons, the Brooks's, the Roseannes, Williams's - that's the funny (even if they lose it over time). Even Richard Pryor was no model. Whereas with the Whitneys, the "funny"'s still at least 50% college training

Is there a good answer to "DVR ratings don't mean shit because people skip ads"? I mean, I assume people watch some ads just out of laziness, but much like torrents (no ads), if you aren't contributing to the revenue stream, beyond the big-dick "we're number one" part, who cares? I known DVD sales are supposed to be

Still, that's two R-rated horror movies in one week. Maybe the PG-13 nightmare isn't quite so comprehensive after all.

Plus, "both sides are bad (so somehow that makes my side not bad)" is straight out of the RW apologist handbook. Normally, I'd say Matt and Trey were equal-opportunity offenders, but after they admitted they went after Moore simply as payback for lifting South Park animation for Columbine, it was less "scathing

I dunno. Ralph Meeker's version in Kiss Me Deadly was awesome, in the way only a dumb, incurious (always a great attribute for a detective), enthusiastically-violent asshole can be. The scene where he breaks the guy's record collection, he just comes across as a middle-school bully grown up but still never grown up.

So the show's second episode has an "utterly abominable" subplot, yet overall, it's more "eh" than "Whitney". Sometimes you really have to strive for mediocrity, though it, as always, asks "so why not a *good* premise to go with these game, talented people?"

That assumes he understands the concept of analogies, or that he's capable of contextual discussion. Rather, it seems like a guy who just says what he says, and made the mistake of doing it on national TV. His "apology" of course was just "they're making me say this, but y'all know I'm right!"

Until Bush's wacky Iraq adventure, bumper-stickers were pretty rare around here. But no… that damn war brought them back with a vengeance, first for toothless ex-hippie protests, and then the reactionary over-reaction, combined with those fucking magnets and ribbons and we were back to 1976. We were *this* close to an

So we have a show about poor people (well, one of them is - you have to have *someone* be normal), hipsters, Brooklyn and various minorities run by people to whom all these concepts are fundamentally alien. I suppose in theory that could work if pitched correctly (i.e., to people for which most of these things are

Rossdale was always like Billy Corgan, only with actual self-awareness. Yeah, it's second-tier (if you're lucky) stuff, but the lack of pretension made it easier to swallow.

Sheesh. Is there a more overly-mined event in fictional history than Jack the Ripper? I know it was a big media event and all, but you'd think that the only things that ever happened in England between 1815 and 1914 were a (rather small) number of dead hookers and I dunno, Charles Dickens. Just… let it go man.

Women whose cheeks are overly-defined freak me out, like they were only 90% assembled and you wonder what else might be missing or poorly-attached.

I've never seen this show, but every photo of Howard makes me hope he gets killed, violently, on-camera and with great suffering. Nothing personal, but that character's appearance is just a violation of everything good and decent in existence.

It always seems weird that rich (or at least the vaguely famous) people die and get hooked on boring old alcohol. Shouldn't our moral betters (rich and/or famous) have some kind of super, designer drugs or something to get wasted to, and not the same as my unemployed alcoholic uncle? This is America - our ruling class

"You can't fire me; I quit (after you've made it clear I won't be working here anymore, either way)!" Impressing no one since, well, ever. Would "take this job and shove it" been too much to ask? Yeah, wrong guy, but since this guy's whole thing is who is daddy is, I can't see how that would matter much.

Netflix - the company that just says "what the fuck" and does stuff. Random, often insane stuff. Why this and not a remake of Quincy? Who knows. But damn it, they're out there, on the entertainment front lines, taking the bullets a quivering, Whitney-whipped NBC only wishes it had the balls to. You only live once,

It'd actually be pretty sweet to know people out there personally blamed me for getting a show canceled. That rocks.

Encounter at Farpoint
The Naked Now
Code of Honor