
I've seen a lot of clips. Are they funnier as a whole show? Because what I see is a whole lot of mugging, aren't-I-a-stinker douchebaggery and high concept stuff with less jokes than you're expecting. I.e., clever as the enemy of funny. I like Odenkirk in Breaking Bad as he can react to the stuff around him, but the 7

Oliver Platt. Patton Oswalt. They're cops! They'll leave no donut shop or strip club unexplored until they get their suspect!

I look at that picture and think "she sure would be handy to have around when I needed to get the cap off a bottle".

I dunno. When you read details of those and see movies that were based on scripts that used to be there, "top" doesn't seem to have any necessary connection to "good".

Yeah. It's like someone wrote up a list of every possible bad idea they could for a movie and threw them all into a blender. There's a point where a project is so anti-commercial, so anti-entertainment, so anti-anything-good, so wrong-headed that doesn't it have to be deliberate?

Whenever I see an overused cliche, or a boilerplate "not really" mea culpa, or someone promising to "do better next time", I always hear Louie's "You've heard it all before." Both because it was amusing, and because how much in real life people really are as transfixed by mindless, predictable, yet reassuring

I assume they tirelessly search the news for any reason to put that picture up.

It's ART!

Gerald Butler always seemed like "we couldn't get Hugh Jackman" and yeah, that's as depressing as it sounds.

Uh… Diggler Supreme with extra Secret Sauce! … got nothin…

Frank Stallone?

Looks like Jeff Daniels and Patricia Arquette in a movie that turns out to not be a comedy at all, even though maybe it should've been.

That's just because we've yet to see one commit a major act of international terrorism. After that, the product would just be flying off the shelves, I'd imagine.

I wish she did more upbeat stuff like that and less of the ethereal nonsense that seems to be the bulk of her output. Like Actor - the title song was really good and the rest? ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. This single isn't terrible, but I think she has plenty of talent to make music that's both high quality *and* compelling to

Plus you know, even though it's been eight months, that really cute guy she sort of went out with (well, it wasn't exactly a date, as she was still married and mentioned that about a dozen times, but he seemed to like her) said he'd call, and really - he could any minute. What if she unplugged the phone and he called

Marrying a naive and/or stupid girl just to get a photo's claim tag sounds like it could be a decent central idea for a farce or screwball comedy, but that doesn't seem to be what this movie is. I'd like to think it makes more sense than as it's described here, but that appears unlikely.

Stock characters, predictable conflicts, heavy-handed metaphors, lesbianism and binary morality - what's not to like? Throw in an over-the-top downer ending, coincidences and maybe a third-act conflict that ends in tragedy by the slimmest margins, and you have the perfect first-date movie!

$50 million opening weekend, easy. A timeless story with universal themes, and not at all like someone deluded into thinking their own struggles with self-esteem and life's elusive meaning will actually resonate with any other human, anywhere.

Shouldn't that be four Rogers Daltrey?

Like when he drinks the poison in Maltese Falcon - he knows as well as the audience that it's the end for him, yet he can't see any other option. Fear, yet that weird sense of being part or something bigger.