I'd expect him to leave it alone.
I'd expect him to leave it alone.
One of those rare black families whose natural children include a white woman and an aging Filipino.
Yeah, eventually pretty won out, but if you actually remember the earliest videos, it was basically anything they could get their hands on. Ugly, ugly musicians, forgettable songs and the visuals rarely had anything to do with the lyrics. I'd say a big issue was MTV was able to redirect the music industry from…
In Touch is weird - I just sort of started noticing it at the check-out isle, but I have no idea if it's been around for a year or ten. It's so much a clone of the 3-4 other ones that help me by reminding me people on TV shows I never watch and Taylor Swift still exist.
The implication there is that an unregistered is some kind of deprived fourth-world resident, who would register if only they could, likely via an attractive white woman who would show up, have her prejudiced blinders torn off and shine the light of truth on the injustice by forcing the powers-theta-be to acknowledge…
I was looking forward to it. I wasn't expecting it to be successful or to last more than a week or so, but seems like it could've been entertaining as a kind of last stand of the unregistered desperately trying to regain their imaginary lost glory.
That's a whole lot of text just to try to defend Nickelback. And seeing as that's impossible, as Nickelback is impossible to defend, I'm forced to question, well, everything.
I really tried to like House of Yes, but it was the most stagebound movie I've ever seen. I spent the entire time wondering whether the dialogue and direction would've played better in live theatre, and came away with "it pretty much would have to."
I liked Criss Cross, so I added this to my queue. We'll see. Though when I tried to watch Against All Odds, the sort of remake of one of my all time favorites, Out of the Past, it just annoyed me for an hour until I turned it off.
Beatrice Straight - 5'40" of screen time and Best Supporting. Don't remember any skid marks though.
Superman Returns. As in "where you in on the joke, or did you actually think you were playing a human"?
The bugmenot group seems awfully sure their predictable, obvious workaround is 100% foolproof, which is awesome, as that's kind of entertaining. And even if it isn't worth bothering to block, only the most committed of the hardcore unregistereds will bother after a bit, and those people would just find another…
I just figured she realized when she saw him that she's forced to finally accept how utterly empty her life is - from her POV anyway - and what she's truly lowered herself to and yes, settled for. Whether than means seeing a literal or metaphorical demon, it doesn't matter much. When he rejects her there's simply no…
Eh, it's like how name actresses have sleazy hookups in cars and such on film, but always keep their bras on so nothing actually shows. Stripping on network TV is, at best, implied.
Shame is this feels like a reaction to "too many lazy douchebags and trolls who did a google search about something they pointlessly obsess over and came here to tell everyone how stupid they are" rather than some kind of native progressive improvement. I think it will eliminate some problem posters, but hardly all -…
But it wasn't working. The idiot ball was always right there in your face, and you kept thinking "wow, that's annoyingly convenient" and frustrated at how everyone always made the worst possible decision. And so at the reveal, where you realize why things had to work like they did (even if they often didn't), you…
I'd actually assumed the pretty parts were the sole redeeming quality keeping this above the dreaded D+.
High Tension was such a complete piece of crap. There was no logic (and scenes that flat-out couldn't exist per the reveal), the attacks gimmicky, the characters uncharismatic ciphers and the twist more groan-inducing than anything. I guess it was competently shot, which is something, but otherwise was just awful.
You mean winning can feel like losing? No way! That's so deep!
Per the review, he achieves all normal measures of success but of course it leaves him empty, and she's naive enough to think being a poet is a career and there's something in him beyond "entitled douchebag". So add in a groan-inducing gimmick,…
That top doesn't seem very work-appropriate.
And believe me, I hang around in a lot of banks.