
Netflix never had Dexter past Season 2 (that I could find)
Which is oddly where I stopped watching it. I tried to get the DVDs for Ssn 3, but between the hassle and the not-great-season, I lost interest really quickly. I know for years Showtime and HBO operated off the idea that exclusivity and difficulty in seeing

Sci-fi doesn't have to explain how tech gets around clearly known limits, but it does have to acknowledge they exist and at least handwave in a solution. But ignoring it makes the story seem at best lazy and at worst idiotic. Granted, sci-fi writers have terrible (and usually highly-flexible) ideas of scale - they

I like how using more than 10% of your brain in these stories always gives you psychic powers.

I thought the joke was that Americathon has been true for decades, only a lot tackier and without the upbeat ending.

Nah, apparently the single player campaign of Homefront can be completed in 3-5 hours, and they're like "oh, you actually cared about all that stuff we completely focused our ad campaign on?" - that seems to be the current narrative.

They also had the attack focus on Colorado. Because when you think of conquering the United States, that's gonna shoot right to the top of your objective list, along with South Dakota, West Virginia and maybe Maine. Though to be fair, an invasion force could actually get to Maine in a reasonable amount of time.

They should have gone with Madagasgar. At least they have a meme.

But if the boyfriend who bites off her arm was sent by the pagan shark god and so she joins the WBC, high big of an Earthquake will she cause?

The real batman would also be slowly recovering from multiple gunshot wounds.

It's 2011; why are there still clowns?
Sure, they're scary in their own way, but … gah. Are there actually still circuses and travelling carnies - this can't be a go-forward subculture, can it?

You and I are just alike!
One of my favorite parts of "Under Siege" was when the hero gives this speech to the bad guy at the end, and seems to actually mean it. Has the same effect any version usually has (violent conflict or waking up), but it was a nice change of direction.

I loved Meeker as he seems to be the gumshoe that the others are trying to finesses themselves around - he isn't particularly clever or witty or smart - he's a blunt instrument and he's totally fine with that. Strip away the veneers of sophistication and angst (though in, say, The Maltese Falcon you don't need to

Of course; the first step in eating lemon meringue pie is scraping off the meringue.

DA:O had some pretty serious faults though. Playing rogue or warrior was an exercise in frustration (hey, stunned again!), the plot falls apart at the end (the big bad's motivation never makes sense, you realize you've spent 20 hours raising armies that barely seem to make any difference, and they clearly couldn't

It just seems like there's a small but vocal group that wants a very specific thing - a turn-based, small-squad tactical (but not really as time is removed as a consideration) simulator, and for them, that's RPG and nothing else is. Bioware was one of the last Great White Hopes for this group (especially after Fallout

The backlash is because DA:O was one of the only "classic" turn-like, party-tactic-based, micromangement-heavy PC RPGs made with any budget, and as Bioware has deliberately gone away from that, the tiny but extremely loud fanbase of those games has gone ballistic.

While an "original" version might appeal to aging hipsters, will they really pay to see it? I highly doubt that - pandering to kids (and their clueless parents) that don't know any better seems like the "actually make money" path, so yeah - real world, identifiable jokes, farts and poop, slapstick humor, idiot humans.

That make me feel really bad for Hank Azaria
At least NPH can be sort of meta and mug it a bit; Azaria just seemed like he'd resigned himself to playing a character that should be in a movie with someone named Pistachio Disguisey.

But how many Twitter followers does he have?
I mean, it's not like every hipster on Earth wouldn't follow, just to be the first to hear whatever 2am rant he felt the world had to hear. Saw what you want about Charlie Sheen, but the man keeps up the tweets (even if they really aren't that interesting)!

While the 'old people are stuck in their ways" likely has some merit, it does seem awfully simplistic and arbitrary to divide humanity into three ages. At 41 I'm not buying the same crap I did at 20, and you'd think that in a billion-dollar industry, more variation and segmentation would carry the day. How many