Rare drop quests! Sometimes the first rat drops the cheese. Sometimes the 79th does. Can you stand the suspense?
Rare drop quests! Sometimes the first rat drops the cheese. Sometimes the 79th does. Can you stand the suspense?
Bodies, Rest & Motion remains the worst title ever.
I liked Mr Vengeance just for the utterly empty ending; plus, not only does everyone die, but each of their deaths is so bleak and empty of any value.
Isn't this the same country that wanted to imprison Richard Gere for kissing some actress in public. No euphemism - just a kiss. And people went berserk.
It's nice that Billy Ray Cyrus is still getting work.
I mean, that was him, right?
I dunno; does making superheroes - a fundamentally ridiculous premise - more "realistic" actually accomplish anything? All that seems to do is show the seams; instead, just go full-fantasy. Like the "what time period is this" Archer stuff - by not even trying to justify it, you accept and enjoy it rather than feeling…
If you have a female hero and the main baddie is a man, do people go to jail or something? I know TV is terrified of a fight scene where some dude is whomping on a chick - even a super-powered one - but "only women can oppose women" makes it feel like Division 2. If you're lucky.
I read his book, and while he was great at the details of what had happened and the people and processes behind it, once he got to the end, it seemed oddly empty and I didn't really take much away about what it meant, if anything. As a chronicler, he was great - as an analyst, not so much. As a result I'm not…
I don't remember much of this other than it seemed like they were on a planet with about 8 guys on it. Maybe I saw the wrong episodes, but it seemed quite stupid.
Casey Barteau
Weinstein needs to stop tinkering with movies that seem to be doing just fine already and get back to trying to run down Troy Duffy.
Maybe it was just sarcasm?
Idol threats really need to get on the ball - surely of all the beats that need slaying in these neo-godless times, that's the kingpin?
I dunno; I remember being pretty transfixed by Admiral Cain's rack. I don't see that happening with Fiorentino.
Troi is like a mobile phone - unless she's the actual central character or the episode, she has to be ignored or useless. Just like "lost in the woods" movies always have to have some lame reason the phone won't work (as that would end the story in 5 minutes) or "we can't go to the cops (yes, yes you can and because…
How does it stay on the air?
I mean in the commercial sense - if it doesn't show ads and doesn't beg, how does it pay for itself? Full-on subsidy from the father network that does those things I'd guess, but it seems odd to have an ongoing network that's a pure cost center.
For people to protest, first someone has to explain why it's big enough to care about. A one-weekend-and-done movie about an obscure comic is hardly noteworthy, not with the gays and such still rampant. Even the Golden Compass "controversy" seemed forced and obligatory rather than anything that had actually angried up…
DJ Quells + David Caruso >>> DJ Caruso
Just tell yourself he was getting paid extra for every adjective and it makes sense.
HP Lovecraft
I mean, you can try to excuse it by the time and such, but there's such a relentless "race-mixing is wrong" undercurrent that it gets hard to ignore. The entire Innsmouth idea, the constant references to mongrels and degenerate races, etc., etc. I still like the idea of a lot of the stories, but the man…