
Well, next they they can combine them. Waden. Jall. Wilden. Wija. Jill (actual name!). Stuff like that.

Dear god - 10 seconds of Kesha was too much
Normally that would be pathetic hipster posturing, but she's… I mean, Katy Perry made be lame, but it's recognizably pop music. Kesha is through the looking glass. Or maybe some kind of Dante-ish hell (abandon all hope yadda yadda yadda).

Being famous seems awesome
It sure doesn't seem like much work, and since the goal is to stay famous and usually the "least-effort or thought" option is the best for that. It sounds like a complete regression into a creature of instinct, endlessly rewarding and almost certainly satisfying.

Why can't we have both?
Maybe a show where a drunken, slurry Slater beats the crap out of Arnett's smug douchebag for twenty-two minutes a week. Sometimes Slater could pretend to be Nicholson or maybe Charlie Sheen, and Arnett just never quite gets it, even when ever show ends with him in intensive care, giving a

C- minus seems generous. There sounds like there isn't any actual movie going on, just a dull person filming her generic family, waiting for nothing to happen. Which does.

There's also the usual scale problem - an actual fleet action would have ships spread out over a huge area, and wouldn't look like much on a TV screen. In BSG where they're firing bullets it sorta makes sense to compress the engagement distances, but with phasers and photon torpedoes, the space battles are ridiculous

They drop their pants for me like Final Fantasy.

It's a good gig if you can get it
These are the assholes that send out form letters to their "members" to mindlessly sign and return, and usually comprise 95%+ of all complaints for any show. They also recently got busted for ignoring any actual mail they got that didn't have money in it, but that's another thing

It's funny how, after all this time, Cera seems even less appropriate for the role. Usually after sheer repetition you get used to, say, Michael Keaton as Batman and even grow to accept or even like it. But every ad for these DVDs I see with Cera I just think "wow; they just don't get it, do they?".

We need to rescue Bigfoot from the 70s. In these tense times, it's important to be able to rely on patriotic, homegrown American made-up monsters, rather than import them from Romania, Haiti and wherever werewolves come from (probably Romania again). Manitous and Wendigos seem Canadian, and Jackalopes just aren't

We have met the enemy…
My big fear about this series is that the zombies will ultimately be secondary and it's instead dueling stereotypes among the survivors. Granted, I had the same fear in BSG and they actually did a good job the first two seasons of showing how neither the civilians nor military was right v. the

I'm one of the many who eventually was turned off by South Park's speechifying - I kept trying to decide whether it was because their politics were so far from mine, of it it really was that superficial and simplistic. Eventually, I stopped caring - still liked the less overtly-messaging jokes, but it's like your

And of course we do get to see (some of) it in the DS9 pilot.

Link Hogthrob. I was a big fan of Pigs In Space.

I really have the exact opposite opinion of the Mayor - people who're really into their pets make me suspicious, and I wonder what is missing in their lives that they have to focus their attention on such a worthless human-replacement. It's like learning someone worships Satan or thinks Stalin was a hero - huh, until

Why Manchurian?
I've seen both movies, and I never quite got why Manchuria had anything to do with anything. In the first one, the bad guys seemed like a weird Soviet-China hybrid, but Landsbury ultimately reveals that the Rooskies were the big bad. I guess the lab was supposedly in Manchuria, but what did that really

Nothing like the dog-owner (yes, owner) who insists their dog is somehow the first dog in history ever to obey 100%, shouting over and over for it to get down and go to the other room. And even after the 15th shout works, in 10 minutes it's back. I just hope that when there's no strangers around it isn't like that -

Have animal attacks ever been done right?
They were all the rage in the 70s, but primarily because they can't act, none of them ever seemed particularly scary. Jaws worked, but only because the mechanical shark kept failing so they showed it as little as possible. I guess The Edge was OK. But unless you really cheat,

Never liked dogs, and as a result when movies assume you're going to be more sympathetic to them then humans, it always pisses me off. And shit like ID4 when the dodg doges the apocalypse are flat-out garbage. Part of it is some anal-retentiveness - I hate being slobbered on (and have some alelrgies to the fleabags),

Eh, in college I remember a discussion with a Japanese girl who strongly resented the term "oriental". She couldn't find anything wrong with the word by itself - it was purely contextual. Like most slurs really - focusing on the word itself is missing the point (frequently deliberately). There was that old Eddie