
Good but off-putting
Watching it, my issue was in that I could never quite connect with Montand's fanatical pro-French issue, and so much of the film was based around it. His dismissal of Clouzot (who seemed pretty awesome), his embrace of Vanel, whose weakness and brittleness was broadcast clearly in his first scene

King of the jungle
Watching that lion swim circles around the pool along with the rest, waiting for Murdock always makes me laugh.

Life's way too short and risky to worry about future boobs. You gotta live in the present, or you might as well not live at all.

Christmas is about Die Hard and It's A Wonderful Life.

It just seemed very slight.
I've seen it once - a friend invited a few pathetic single people over for Thanksgiving, and she and her roommate always played three movies after Thanksgiving dinner (none of which I'd seen). This, Christmas Vacation and Scrooged. As this was the only one I found even slightly tolerable, I

Huh. So far the two sequels Obsidian has made that I've played (KotOR2 and NWN2) have been some of the worst RPGs I've ever played. Clever ideas were replaced by hackneyed cliches, NPCs went from clever and appealing to agonizingly one dimensional, and your spend most of the time going to the next area simply because

He strikes me as a completely amoral solipsist. He tries to do what he's been taught his entire life to be the right thing, but when he does it just winds up being empty. There's no reward, no joy, no satisfaction - he wants it, who doesn't? We all want promised rewards. But the basic idea of morality - that doing

I liked Blair Witch, mostly because I've always had a bit of fear of the woods, and as the best actor involved, the forest was effective (for me) in making the entire scenario sinister and threatening. There was real menace and danger, even with zero monsters or masked axe-men and there's no last minute fake-out or

I watched it and, well, there just wasn't a whole lot to it. I didn't mind the guy so much (he just seemed like a doofus), but the girl was really annoying. And her constant "turn off the camera" stuff, while genre-required (I guess) got really tedious quickly. But aside from some loud noises, it seemed to be leading

Walter White
I loved that at the beginning of the series, he was presented as a put-upon, everyman schmuck who was doing the best he could with the world's worst poker hand. But once you got past his "fugue" episode and he listed what his life had thrown at him to the shrink, and you realized not one bit of that meant

Anime and manga seem like one of those things that's been "the next big thing" for decades, only it still isn't. Sure, Americans like robots and explosions and naked teenagers, but the second the stuff starts with the Japanese philosophy and pseudo-mystic crap, everyone in the West is snoring. And it always goes

The promos for Chase really look like deliberate sabotage. I fully expect it's banal, hackneyed and superficial, but the ads make it seem like they're trying to appeal to a demographic that exists solely in the head of execs jacking off right now to 35-year-old reruns of Charlie's Angels.

The article is clearly much more entertaining than the show could possibly be, and I laughed several times. Way worth it - unlike the show.

The older I get, the more laughing at one's own jokes annoys me.
Yeah, I'm that cool.

So why did the yellow car stop?
The right lane seemed to be moving until it came along, and I really don't get why the SUV in the center lane wasn't frantically trying to merge right. From the video, it looks like terrible drivers (assuming the yellow car wasn't in on it - maybe it was the bus driver's getaway car?)

Play It All Night Long
I've always loved how incredibly nasty this one is - there's no winking or 'just kidding' to it. The whole song is one long anti-good-old-boy riff, with the only possible upside being 'maybe you can drink yourself to death'. It just has a great cold-bloodedness.

That's Screamin' Jay Hawkins. Howling Wolf's personal life was famous for being pretty boring.

So now we are what we capitalize?

The Swedishness was the only interesting part. If you want a trite politics-with-sex story filled with vague "ripped from the headlines" stuff and broken up with Apple advertisements, why not just watch a rerun of Law and Order?

The movie did seem like the kind of thing where you forgave a lot because it was Swedish and it was OK to look at, but yeah - eliminate the cultural references and Apple-product ads and it would be a straight-to-DVD "erotic thriller" starring people you had kinda wondered whatever happened to. None of the characters