
Doakes II?

I liked the idea of liking it, and think it was in some ways a better "comic book" film than the modern Rambo-in-tights stuff. But it wasn't really fun, profound or really engaging - just kinda there.

Even without the extra shilling from the book, the Apple logo was a pretty solid supporting character in Dragon Tattoo. Though the apparent ease people have in getting into your files from, well, anywhere seems like kind of a weird thing to advertise so directly.

Yeah, the change from "zero-individualist collective" to "hierarchical insects" just seemed liked laziness; writers uncomfortable with anything actually alien falling back on the hackneyed "aliens as earth animal types" cliche. Much more familiar, comfortable and less likely to create disturbing implications.

I was worried about the lack of Raw Deal love. "You should not drink and bake" is the basis for my life, and the lives of many others.

And scene after scene of ugly, ugly people
I know people say that it sucks that Hollywood uses models to portray everymen, but really, that's just talk.

I suddenly want to see Samuel L. Jackson as Zed in a remake of Zardoz. It needs to happen!

I wish I were important enough so my death "had to be" murder
That'd be pretty sweet.

That RR was awesome, and felt like you'd pretty much just got all the actual entertainment you'll ever get from her, even if it was indirect. It wasn't so much her privilege, but complete lack of any kind of connection of anything beyond her tiny world. Silly stories about her wacky friends - like a hot chick who

(Neat as in interesting, rather than tidy)

As well, it's not like there's a lot of incentive to conquer Canada so it's hard to get the troops motivated. Canada - the three hour conference call Friday afternoon; it's important… I guess… seriously, can't this wait until, I dunno, next week?

This one totally lost me at the very end.
We get the big reveal (which isn't so much of a twist), and yet instead of being some kind of devastating result it makes little or no sense at all. The motivation of the "other woman" is bizarre and nonsense, setting a chain of events in motion that then create the whole

Paul Dano's Mustache
Why is that the only part of this movie that sounds even vaguely noteworthy?

Something about a PG-13 movie seems to demand a degree of stupid. You still want action and violence and explody sequences and some non-sex sexy stuff, but then you have to throw in juvenile crap as a kind of wink-wink "just kidding". Or something - I'm too lazy to find actual examples. Anyway, PG-13 blows.

Revive? The man already works around the clock!

And he also made false teeth.

Liam Neeson: Hack?
It seems like he has some kind of rep that supposedly makes him a "star", yet everything i see him in he seems stoned, bored or otherwise wishing hew as doing anything but paying the mortgage. As terrible as everything else about SW1 was, the movie stopped dead in its tracks every time he was on, he

I was thinking more "they would have to offer each of us way more money than we think we can get on our own".

Every state has it's reactionary and liberal clusters - liberals cities all seem surrounded by reactionary exurbs, and once you get into the sticks, you'll find far more hippies and liberals than decades of TV would ever lead you to believe. So yeah, if you go from Austin to the OC, it doesn't mean the South is the

Growing up, people from Texas always seemed mystified that no one else was impressed, unlike people from Indiana, Idaho or Utah, who always had that flinch reflex like they'd just admitted to some kind of sex offense.