
Rubik's Cube Jockeys - they work all day doing as little as possible while surfing the internet, stop off for a few quiet PBRs after work and then home to videogames and the SO they've pretty much stopped ever trying to relate to and just hope they don't leave since finding another one would be actual work. Sometimes

Oral sex.

Bah; talking to other people or downloading on a whim isn't what the iPhone is about, anyway.

I never saw the brilliant narrative in KOTOR2 or NWN2; rather a string of dull cliches that consistently missed the good parts (in KOTOR) or failed to improve anything (in NWN). In both cases, the NPCs were abysmal, the set-piece encounters keep drawing you out of the story and it felt like it was made by people who

Cube was all set-up but the set-up didn't have a story that naturally fit. So they added a bogus, cheap conflict so something would happen, all the while breaking its own rules just to add tension that just felt arbitrary. The cop was wrong on so many levels (and if, per the poster above, the idea is that civilization

Yeah, that shot of her is pretty damned unappealing. And it's not like there's any other reason anyone would possibly choose to pay to see this.

I've always liked Parker Posey, and in the proper role she can be effective, but Superman Returns was not that role (though, really, no one was right, even the emo "uh… huh, what?" main character). She was horrifying and ridiculous - I really felt embarrassed for her. Even your favorite character actors drop a stinker

If angrily masturbating isn't the solution, the problem isn't important anyway.

Proper paperwork is one of the least-known yet central tenets of knighthood.

Brutally ugly to look, at, though.

Someone needs to make a TV show with Spiner and Paul Reubens as, I dunno, gynecologist brothers or something.

Cube seemed like the worst kind of high-concept hell, where they had this huge set, some people, a seemingly-alien environment, and… nothing. So they found the laziest dead-teenager script they could find and turned it into insulting, tedious shit. The first 10 minutes or so were great - movies aren't ten minutes long.

Don't do politics if you don't want to do politics
While I doubt a pro-abortion episode would have played well in the 80s, having Troi abandon all reason to save "her baby" doesn't make her seem to be loving or pro-life or whatever the hell they were going at. Instead, she's a hysterical, deranged moron, with an

I tolerated her as I never liked Crusher and was sorry to see her back. Not that I wanted, necessarily, more Pulaski, but Crusher never seemed to add much to the table unless they wanted the storyline to seem more manipulative (i.e., Angel One pretty much made me hate Crusher forever) and cheap. Does anyone ever say

It's a lot faster, though. Waiting for some eye-rolling, mumbling, PBR-chugging hipster to get to the point and say something really mock-worthy can take, like, forever - who has that kind of time?

They should just repaint one of Frank's spare heads.

I dunno; seeing her take a crap on the big screen would likely push this to hard R and kill any possible profit. At least I hope so.

Truffle-oil fries are actually pretty good.

She's just a child of the new politics - nothing you ever say is wrong, ever, no matter how transparently wrong it is. The solution is to take on weirder, more extreme stances on what you already said and hope that you can win by pure volume and stubbornness. No one will like you, but you might get elected to

I like video games and pop culture but I don't like this.
What part of me is wrong?