
Man W/ No Name
Do undubbed versions of these exist? I understand that filming without sound was common (and just added later during editing), but in the versions I have, the dialog-sync ranges from tolerable to "Kung-Fu Theatre". I expect it's just something most people deal with and make the best of, but it would be

As a kid I loved them, but then I also loved the old Tampa Bay Buc's unis as well. I also loved creamsicles.

Theron? Really?
When reading the book way back when, I always thought of Dagny as a youngish Thatcher. Stern, stark, just chilly enough to be slightly off-putting but not actually unpleasant and matronly. Attractive, but like a shark, not like a cheerleader or a model. And at least 6' with masculine features (minimal

Lots of CGI and if we're lucky, some nudity.

Since all but one of the heroes (and he's such a smug central-casting douchebag I'm not even sure you're supposed to like him so much as admire him, as you would an army sniper with a huge kill count) are blue-blood aristocrats, and the real bad guys are also blue-blood who have betrayed their class, it's hard to feel

Yeah, you don't get group-punchable shots like that everyday.

Maybe an R-rating for a movie targeted at male teens (I assume; it has to be targeted at *someone*, right?) and not a Skinemax-boobie-R that older men can pretend to watch for something else, wasn't the best move?

I dunno; Stangelove had a lot of ridiculous names (Jack D. Ripper, Merkin Muffley, Gen Turgidson, Major King Kong, Col. Bat Guano) and they all fell flat (only Guano's gets any laughs at all, and that's pure Seller's incredulity). great movie, very funny, ballsy, but the funny names aspect was something that needed to

Those trumpet ears always really bugged me.
Seriously, I avoided it in theatres, fast-fowarded through the last half and never saw a sequel, and a huge part of that are those stupid ears. It also wasn't terribly funny and tried way too hard (while somehow being simultaneously lazy), but… yeah.

Wow this sounds dull.
This has the feel of someone who thinks the things around them are innately interesting and anyone outside their circle would find the minutiae of it as interesting as they do. As opposed to the yawn that would logically greet the story of a sheltered young person who goes out in the world and

Isn't the PTC just astroturf anyway?
That is, aren't these the guys who send form letters to bored housewives to send in about things they didn't actually watch themselves and then claim 50K people have a problem with something? There's never any actual groundswell of offense, and if you need someone you tell you when

I've watched Red Zone Cuba more times than any other movie (MST3K or otherwise; at least 20 times), by far, and every time I find something I hadn't noticed before. It's absolutely terrible, but it's somehow the gift that keeps on giving.

Women need to be shopping… more. Much more.

As batshit insane alternate universes go, the one where this kind of thing would actually happen sounds better than most.

I dunno, a "make the narrator STFU" DLC sounds worthwhile.

Anticomedy is not Comedy
Sometimes when I totally miss the point of something, I feel like I've lost something, that a wider set of experiences or education might have provided me an opportunity to appreciate something that would widen my world. This is not one of those times.

Torgo is all over this.

Preferring pre-beard Riker frightens and confuses me.

But did anyone find the writing subplot in The Shining the least bit interesting or necessary? The hotel, its mysteries, Jack's family issues, (in the book) his guilt over his past actions, psychic powers - that was the cheese. He could have been anyone needing a break to center himself (and failing). We only accept

Wait, so you're saying my almost-complete novel about a first-time novelist with writer's block is a mistake? But all I need is an ending!