
I killed him for money - and a woman - and I didn't get the money and I didn't get the woman. Pretty, isn't it?

I'm guessing the fact I consider Pavement the least essential band ever probably relates to my utter disinterest in The National (jangle much?). Oh well, one more highly-regarded band that I'll miss out on, as no matter how skilled or sophisticated, they do nothing for me. I do feel kinda sad, like some allergic to

I tried to get American Gothic on Netflix streaming, but half the episodes were "disc only". This angered me greatly.

Does Anyone Not Like Danny McBride?
He seems to have fallen into that rare slot of character actor when no one ever has anything bad to say about him, beyond "they should've used him more".

Why I Don't Hate the Original
Immediately before I saw it, I had gone to see Batman Forever, and had been so disappointed that Dredd, cheesy as it was, felt awesome in comparison. I know Batman 3 & 4 are popular whipping boys, but I remember early on there was a CGI helicopter that looked so bad, and then in Dredd the

But that's it - it was for people who thought they were outsiders (but weren't) and wanted to be comforted (without being challenged) and people who wanted to believe outsiders were really just a kind of different clique and there was no substantive difference (again, see how great you are). But actual outsiders and

All generations suck. Brokaw's were such terrible parents they created most of what was bad about the Baby Boomers, who then decided that that merited them being the center of the universe in response. Gen X are basically navel-gazing placeholders, and Gen Y add have ADD/Aspergers/Fatassness and are destined for epic

I watched some of it, and it never really felt transgressive. Instead, it was like an insider's idea of what an outsider was like - just like "us" but with more words and toothless sarcasm. Daria and Jane weren't rebels or "those people"; it seemed aimed at the in crowd to make them feel even better about themselves.

Eh, I found so much of the anti-BW stuff to be either hipster douchebag snobbery (as if even a tiny number of people had heard of Cannibal Holocaust or The Last Broadcast, much less seen them) and nitwits angry that the movie didn't explain everything or hit all the expected horror movie beats. It was no classic, but

Huh. I've listened to Boxer a few times and found it dull and whiny, like the sort of thing people who hate navel-gazing hipsters have in mind when they think of them. Since I own the CD suppose another listen is in order, but have little hope.

But watching people work on computes is the most interesting thing you can possible film, next to watching someone else read a book or maybe quietly drive alone to work! That's why computers on screen are always depicted so incredibly realistically- they're just so damned entertaining to watch!

Cube seemed to have a great idea, but then they just made bad decision after bad decision. Explaining who built it was a mistake (as it was stupid and just added more reasons to question the premise), the obviously-unstable villain-to-be character a mistake, and the ending just awful. It should have been mysterious,

Alien 4 has the "luckily Cuba has only 8 guys in it" problem, where it feels like it has no place in the universe. Where are all the ships around Earth? Where is the rest of civilization (and if Earth is abandoned, who cares if some aliens are running around)? The "bioweapon" idea had long been a hackneyed cliche (an

Please Give
I'm pretty much going to have to see that (once it gets to Netflix streaming or similar) just to see if my relentless kneejerk hatred for everything about it has any kind of substance. I kind of hope it does and I kind of hope it doesn't.

Blair Witch 2
For some reason I actually listened through the director's commentary for this, and while he was trying so hard, it was clear that they had hired the wrong guy for the project. The entire video versus film theme came off as less the clever commentary on modern media he claimed it was and more a desperate

I have no hatred for babies and small children, but do find them utterly uninteresting. They have nothing useful to say or communicate, aren't good at anything, are usually dirty, frequently (if trivially) hurt themselves but are desperately starved for attention. An adult who acted like that would be a pariah, and

They called him the Casino King of the South.

Ritalin is a drug.

Multiple villains fail simply because if you go through the trouble to define them your movie is too long and has little else. But if you don't, it feels like there's no point to some strange person we know nothing about. And then you get the big fight with an effective nonentity, which means a lot of "eh".

Ugh. I remember reading his Bestsellers Guaranteed - it was one of the worst pieces of shit I'd ever read. Dull, predictable, juvenile stories - each worst than the last. Crude, hamfisted, uninvolving cliches - terrible, just terrible. Maybe it was early in his career and he's since learned to write, but… gah, what a