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    This really bothered me too. Both when Carol and Axel were "fortifying" the walkway with thin metal and pallets and when Carol uses Axel's body to protect her from rounds from an assult rifle. I imagine that the wood and metal would just turn a normal through-and-though bullet into a mess of shards. And didn't the

    Yes, but then the bodies pile up and make a hill which other zombies can use to climb the fence. Geez! Zombie Apocalypse Survivalism 101!

    I could smell the old man smells coming off of Jeff Goldblum in that scene. Coffee, old teeth, 2000 flushes…

    dipping sticks


    The dead arise, motherfucker!
    Plague of flies, motherfucker!
    Falling skies, motherfucker!

    The dead arise, motherfucker!
    Plague of flies, motherfucker!
    Falling skies, motherfucker!

    I'm mostly happy with this season but, yea, I've had a problem with
    Hannah. I find her to be really immature. She's still that teenaged girl
    running away from everything. But I suppose that I have to accept that
    Dexter would be attracted to that at this point in his life. They both
    have some serious cases of arrested

    I'm mostly happy with this season but, yea, I've had a problem with
    Hannah. I find her to be really immature. She's still that teenaged girl
    running away from everything. But I suppose that I have to accept that
    Dexter would be attracted to that at this point in his life. They both
    have some serious cases of arrested

    I agree with your comments about Issak employing Dexter being a stroke of genius. I think it was the best part of the season so far. I especially enjoyed his breakdown after Dexter closes his conversation with Hannah with 'likewise'. I liked Issak and I enjoyed seeing him as more of a human rather than just a revenge

    I agree with your comments about Issak employing Dexter being a stroke of genius. I think it was the best part of the season so far. I especially enjoyed his breakdown after Dexter closes his conversation with Hannah with 'likewise'. I liked Issak and I enjoyed seeing him as more of a human rather than just a revenge

    I was surprised when Deb asked for the ambulance. Her initial 'Fuck!' felt to me like she was saing 'Fuck! (she's dead)' but I guess it meant 'Fuck! (she's still alive)'.

    I was surprised when Deb asked for the ambulance. Her initial 'Fuck!' felt to me like she was saing 'Fuck! (she's dead)' but I guess it meant 'Fuck! (she's still alive)'.

    I agree that people would have liked it better had he died at the end of the season like all the other characters do. It would have been pretty predictable. Had he been alive in the last episode, I would have sat down to watch it and though, "Oh, here is the episode where we get to see Isaak die."
    I'm happy with the

    I agree that people would have liked it better had he died at the end of the season like all the other characters do. It would have been pretty predictable. Had he been alive in the last episode, I would have sat down to watch it and though, "Oh, here is the episode where we get to see Isaak die."
    I'm happy with the

    LaGuerta dies at the end of the season and Deb gets her job.

    LaGuerta dies at the end of the season and Deb gets her job.

    Nobody had mentioned this, but "Mad" Anthony Wayne took a bullet to the head and lived through it. Afterwords he was known to be a bloodthirsty general. The Indians thought he never slept, and they say he foamed from the mouth. He was a crazy killer. It's fitting that Gyp took his hat.

    Nobody had mentioned this, but "Mad" Anthony Wayne took a bullet to the head and lived through it. Afterwords he was known to be a bloodthirsty general. The Indians thought he never slept, and they say he foamed from the mouth. He was a crazy killer. It's fitting that Gyp took his hat.

    Oh, it probably is just a coincidence. It's still funny.