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    Oh, it probably is just a coincidence. It's still funny.

    The ratings did start to fall substantially at the end of the season. I really hope it gets renewed! I hope for more surrealist vision quests and some development on this blue barn. It would be nice if it was something other-worldly like the black lodge.

    The ratings did start to fall substantially at the end of the season. I really hope it gets renewed! I hope for more surrealist vision quests and some development on this blue barn. It would be nice if it was something other-worldly like the black lodge.

    This could be part of it, but I think that Wilfred also likes to maintain a certain level of control over Ryan. Ryan thinking that they're in this together might change their relationship into something too chummy for Wilfred.

    This could be part of it, but I think that Wilfred also likes to maintain a certain level of control over Ryan. Ryan thinking that they're in this together might change their relationship into something too chummy for Wilfred.