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    First you get the khakis. Then you get the jobs. Then you get the chicks.

    Oh so this explains why they Cesar Millan for the next season.

    I'm upset that Louie's In The Woods aired too late to be considered.

    Nobody pointed out that Ode to Joy was a homage to Raising Arizona.

    I was also a beck completist back in the day and may have been sharing some of the same files with you. Did ECC actually admit that he was the one putting bogus names on tracks to get downloads? I always thought that it was just some douchebag in their dorm who thought that they were being funny.

    I can't wait to see everyone's reaction when the first prize is declared to be a tie between Borgen and Girls.

    Those snakes are about to experience some serious ownage.

    i got here via facebook

    now i want a mr ed brain scan episode

    I don't find this pretty funny at all.

    Those will soon be filled with adds again. (but I'm ok with that I guess)

    Isn't it explicitly written somewhere that you're not meant to do this on AV Club? You know, you are a guest here.

    He did say something like, "it's not the sickness that's killing them. It's the symptoms."

    strangle a cat?

    I feel like the great web-cartoon series College University deserves a mention as a sibling to amazing Homestar Runner in the annals of web history. It was also very character driven like HSR and had a similarly light tone.

    Concerning the deaths of the ten men in jail:  @J.P. McPickleshitter, they bought their tickets. They knew what they were getting into. I say let them die.

    Ok, I watched it and I think it is totally plausible that they traveled to each of these places between every scene. The only problem I had was the distance between the train station and that bridge near Landstrasse where they meet the weird actors. That would take about 20 minutes and they were still really awkward

    I live in Vienna and now I have to watch this movie to see if I agree.

    I think you meant to start this post with "Maybe it's just me, but for me…"