A Surprisingly Knowledgeable M

Note my explanation above.

The "Avatar Extras" on the Serpent Pass episode claim the pair is involved romantically

Same here. These write ups are appreciated, but they're basically recaps. More analysis would be appreciated.

Longshot is comforting Smellerbee because he's sticking his longshot into her smellerbee. I'm not being crude, that's actual canon.

Or was there??


He isn't, but I am.

I kind of hope the TV Club does a series on that show. It was the Friday Night Lights of its time

I expect Newbie to be done by morning and report back here with thoughts.

The only, ONLY good thing about the movie is the score. Seriously, buy the score and imagine the awesome movie it could belong to rather than seeing this garbage. I listen to it regularly, and every time I get a twinge of anger when I think of what the movie could have been

L. O. L.

I love that the community on AV Club boards REQUIRES back story. This is some next level shit we got going on here

I think Team Rocket did.

I farted once on the set of "Blue Lagoon"

There's nothing wrong with liking art and disliking the artist. People use that argument for Polanski, Riefenstahl, and the like.

And please, use some punctuation.

For a second I thought Pauline was going to be really clever and just post an entire list of every Oscar winner.


One Word Response to that Headline:

…….This could get tricky……