A Surprisingly Knowledgeable M

@HipsterDBag  That was YOU!?!?! How've ya been?

That's a good idea, but it misses a key point: if the Avatar is killed in the Avatar state, the cycle is broken. So even if Aang died for good when Azula hit him, no new Avatar would be anointed.

This Just In: Hayden Childs NOT A Supporter Of Terrorism. More at 11

So…are we all politely neglecting to mention the Toph/Katara mud wrestling bit?

I also made an exception for THE READER, but at least that had Kate Winslet porn. ELIC only promises 9/11 grief porn. My least favorite porn.

Ironically though, the highlight of THE HELP is one person literally eating another person's shit.

I just want to say that I'm glad AV Club is covering this

Not many football players in the Av Club, huh? When you're on the field running toward the end zone you're only focused on what's in front of you. That rumble is just the opposing team right behind you, and the massive roar is the crowd cheering you on. I loved that part of the trailer.

I see this cumming every time, and I still chuckle anyway

Just to clarify, you have really bad taste.

Jesus, I just laughed so hard I pissed a little. Well played, sir

He doesn't have a surprising amount of knowledge! I do!

Ah. 10 4.

…..it DID come out Post-Inception.

I've gotten to the point where I skip straight to the comments

Jesus, I teared up just reading the sentence…

Cool story, brah

I don't think its on the same scale as those great films, but it is a lot of fun, and it succeeds at everything it sets out to do. I was being cheeky for humor's sake, but in reality I think its a lot better than most people give it credit for. Its got a good script, excellent design and direction, wonderful bits of

…you and I probably wouldn't get along very well…..

I've missed you, Firecest.