A Surprisingly Knowledgeable M

You are forgiven, seeing as we could read it as a mistake of those putting out the crappy knockoff

Why did "Luigi" have to be redeemed? lol


Or Iroh's quest to redeem himself and his nephew, or Katara's journey into womanhood…this is actually kinda fun.

First two seasons are like, $15 at Best Buy, sir. You should give it a shot

Yeah, wolfmansRazor, it's cool. You're allowed to have nice things, everyone likes lycans around here.

Anyone who disliked "Fly" is clearly incapable of independent intellectual thought

I'm always torn between Mad men and Breaking Bad as my favorite shows on TV right now. When BB airs, it's my fave, and when MM comes about, I switch. Anyone else have this (extremely first world) problem?

"a beautiful scene of concern for the little boy who really does have to save world"
I love that several episodes end that way, and it never gets old. The show never loses sight of it's characters, balancing the massive war with this little kid learning his true place in the world.

Maybe I'm wrong, nut I think the Dragon thing and the Spirit world thing are two separate journeys, which honestly makes Iroh all the more awesome when you think about it.

I for one welcome our new animation studio overlords…..