Ropes Pierre

Mary Queen of Hots is in danger of being dropped? Long may she make it Reign!

what was that hash tag again? #sharonvanettencanpeeinmybutt

i would be attentive as FUCK to her emotional needs.

"telling the story of the relationship between “Andrew” (who’s yet to be
cast) and “Zelda” (Milioti) from first meeting to breakup."

RIP Ass Dan

i think he is contractually obligated to be referred to as "Hot Nostradamus"

Mary wears such absurdly long dresses that i expect her to whip out a sword at any moment, and say "i am Mary Queenofscots of the Clan Queenofscots, in the end there can be only one".

i hope he is flying the helicopter (mostly because he is afraid to take off the headphones and needs to be justified in wearing them)

Like bullets through a magazine, these are the justified days of our lives.

it's all fun and games until i get a black double headed dildo, because i ordered Requiem for a Dream.

i thought it was kinda cool at the end, Francis dropped to his knees and yelled "You're tearing me apart, Mary!"

Piecat is the cat party Natalie aka "37" was at, blowing the whole house. (in a row). so he was mentioned this episode.

when peggy dies, i hope teddy has deacon play her wake. bury the hatchet and the witch at the same time.

as god is my witness, i thought that was tara's house and gemma was there to shit on her rug.

remaking road house is like putting an elevator in an outhouse…don't fit

appreciation for the show seems to be given sniggardly.

i think she is also allowed to dry hump and possibly use her hands for more than knitting. the book is still out whether he takes a Clintonian view of oral pleasure and says it is not sex. i think she is technically also allowed to sext, which probably entails someone carving her naked image into granite and having

nice that drew took his friend with benefit to the election party. nothing gets chicks hotter than politics and balloons falling from the ceiling.

Juliette Barnes sneers at your auntie's 9 month old beemer, and rolls her eyes with disdain.

you had me at shirtless Ke&ha on a jetski