Ropes Pierre

that depends, is it the wind in Vietnam?

Wahlberg is so badass-ed he would totally have stopped that chick from dressing as a Boston bombing survivor.

being the least attractive of the sisters, you know she has a fat chick's skill at delivering oral pleasure.

a Revenge group who didn't know Nolan was Bi may not be the Revenge group you want, but may be the one we deserve.

exactamundo. she is the homeless girl who waited.

nobody puts Saoirse in a corner.


the girlfriend abides.

"“I know the bow is your favorite weapon.” Sudden Sociopath Tomas: “Second favorite, but thank you.”

the magnificent Andersons

as john luck pickard would say " I see four lights!"

Just make sure to devote attention to the little man in the soap dish.

I voted for "Big Boob Blowies"

when i am out on bail for a crime and about to stand trial, am looking for work as a doctor and have to provide a drug screen, and have just faked a miscarriage (where i may have to provide evidence of said pregnancy) i make damn sure i smoke some weed with bikers.

i wish they switched out the chick who plays Keen with the one from Agents of shield who plays the hacker "skye", and then see if anyone notices.

i hope they throw caution to the wind, embrace the supernatural and make her an immortal. "Mary MacLeod of the clan MacLeod..there can be only one…you killed my father, prepare to die"

i don't get why she doesn't just embrace the "irish virgin" thing and take it up the butt. (the olde dirt kingsroad)

now that she isn't a 14 year old runaway, Bullet has a body on her. Dayyyyum.

this is what happens when agent coulson finds a portal into agent coulson's head and goes through it.

Although she did stay at a Holiday Inn last night.