philip seymour huffman

Working your way up from low level shit jobs in the entertainment industry is hard work. Once he was at the top, not so much.

"something that's hardly his fault"

*slurps Reagan's cock*

I don't know why your last comment isn't showing up here, but from what you've said it sounds like you work for the state (people calling you overpaid, comment about Christie)? I have not met any state employees (I have some in my family) who even remotely like Christie.

It sure felt like there were a lot of assholes in law school though.

Yeah, I have no trouble standing by that comment. You can call me ableist and feel good about yourself, but I make no apology for having a high standard for the office of the Presidency. I've seen too many people (in my own family too) get back on the sauce after allegedly being sober.

Hey moron, no one has the "right" to be President. I don't apologize for holding high standards for the office. I would also eliminate people with obvious anger issues.

Yes but often they object to that "set payment." Doctors have been bitching for years about low reimbursement rates for Medicare and Medicaid. I don't know how much validity there is to their complaints, but I've heard it among the doctor friends I have.

Is opposing tort reform because you made money as a plaintiff's lawyer really "hypocritical"? It would be hypocritical to make all that money and then advocate tort reform, but I don't see it in your example.

Every plaintiff's lawyer who has any sense of self-preservation is a Democrat (or at least not a Republican). Can't say anything about the rest.

Plaintiff's lawyers definitely skew Democrat, if for no other reason than business sense (Republicans have been pushing tort reform for decades).

Dr. Drew still can't hold a candle to Bill Frist's diagnosis of Terri Schiavo from the Senate floor. Now that took some brass balls. What a prick.

I am perfectly willing to admit that it took a lot of work. That he also says dumb shit and spouts off on shit he's not qualified to spout off about? Not mutually exclusive.

How does this thing work?

I liked Bradley, he was my Senator, but if we're being honest he never had a chance against Gore anyway.

It wasn't dumb when they questioned McCain's health. He had been treated for melanoma in the past. And yes, he had been cancer-free for years but I can tell you that that is not much assurance. That shit can come back seemingly out of nowhere, with a vengeance. That's a perfectly legitimate and serious concern.

I knew a lawyer with an MPH. The degree didn't make him a particularly good person. But maybe he was worse before he got it.

I've actually been looking to jump ship for a while, but a JD is almost like a scarlett letter at this point.

The job market for pretty much everyone I know except doctors and (certain kinds of) engineers sucks donkey balls. I think you hear more about the market for newly minted JDs because: 1) law school is fucking expensive, and 2) schools kept sprouting up for a while, and 3) really shameless, blatant fudging of

I mean, god forbid people want to use their minds to make a good living. I don't work for a big firm, never have, and would probably make the same as a public school teacher in this state, and I wouldn't have loans. Most lawyers don't work on Wall Street, and aren't $1000 billable hour pricks. Boy, I wish.