philip seymour huffman

"a majority should only be trusted to say anything plausible about their narrow specialty."

I don't think I memorized a damn thing in law school. Open book exams and all.

And this is a guy who already didn't have too many neurons to rub together when he drank and snorted himself silly in his youth.

That makes Jeb Bush a moron. Lawton Chiles had been active in Florida politics since Jebbie was in fucking middle school. By the time he ran against Chiles in 94, Chiles was *very much* a known quantity in terms of his strengths as a politician. Shit, that was the twilight of his career.

"Dry drunk," as far as I can tell, is slang and not an actual medical diagnosis. Unless some doctors were saying that Bush was a dry drunk I really don't see the equivalence.

He's an internist for fuck's sake. Which is fine, nothing wrong with that, my PCP's an internist. But I am struggling to figure out how the fuck that qualifies him to talk about half the shit he does on his show.

Apparently his name means Church of Odin. Fucking badass.

Re uninterrupted time-that's my problem with "serious literature." I can't sit down and read at all if I even suspect I will be interrupted at some point in the next hour.

King's a guy who could use some more discipline and probably an editor, although he's been such a big deal for so long nobody edits him I bet. Lots of talent, a knack for telling stories, but he's just so goddamned lazy with his third acts. He almost always shits the bed with his endings.

I've picked up where I left off in Infinite Jest. I bought my copy in 2009, read the first few pages, decided I didn't have time for such a dense book and put it down. Burned through some Pynchon, went to grad school, picked IJ back up in fall 2013. Read about 100 pages, school got in the way. Picked up where I left

I pretty much hate remakes as a general rule. Most of them don't do much of anything to build or improve upon what they're remaking, they're just a waste of space.

I would pay good money to see that. A series of a dozen movies, each going down a number. Each movie a character is brutally murdered by Andy Garcia, until it's just Brad Pitt running around eating.

It just seems like it's part of the endless reboot cycle. I would like to see more women in good roles, but inverting the genders of tired series seems like it's the next big gimmick.

I was just in Vegas a few weeks ago and walking past the Bellagio fountain made me want to revisit the trilogy. I really like 13 when I saw it in theaters but it kind of doesn't hold up for me. The big payoff at the end just isn't as satisfying or entertaining as the heist in 11.

I think the reasoning in Kit Jackson's comment is flawed for the reasons you state, but I really don't think that the mere fact that Ocean's Eight has…eight female main characters will lead to that problem.

X Men: Generations

This title is right up there with "Rural Juror"

And here we have the gratuitous politicization of a comment thread.

I went to Paris again this summer, for the first time since 2001 (actually, just a little over a month before 9/11, when flying was still tolerable). Was struck by how much dirtier it seems. That's it really. Not that I didn't enjoy it or wouldn't go back or even live there if I could. But I live in New York so who am

Spinal Meningitis. Voodoo Lady.