
Maybe Girls is a show for horrible people like me? I've always been aware that the characters aren't supposed to be lovable, and I've never considered that a bad thing about the show. I see it as a comedic exploration of the bad sides of human nature, and I relate to it.

Don't forget Togetherness.

It's strange, but I never actually feel like I'm seeing nudity during the maintenance scenes. The combination of the acting and the effects makes me legitimately view the naked hosts like animatronic Disney props.

This was the biggest cry a TV show has gotten out of me in a long time. It was a rare kind of death where I not only cared about the loss of the character, but was also distraught and disturbed by every element surrounding it, and felt deep empathy for the way each character was impacted by it.

Ugh and I thought that fear factor guy looked so cute, and his Spanish threats weren't a deal breaker for me (maybe even a turn-on?).

iCarly is my hotel jam.

I'm continually in awe at this show's ability to make something like chopping up a body feel quirky and tongue-in-cheek.

You can actually say "fuck" twice in a PG-13, so things could still get pretty heated.

Cool. I'm also in favor of making the television categories "30-minute" and "60-minute" rather than "Comedy" and "Drama." Those terms feel so charged to me with so many great series blurring the line.

I would pay a good 20 bucks to spend an hour observing this in person.

Did anybody else find it amusing that one of Neve Campbell's first scenes involved her being alone, hearing noises, and saying "Hello?"

As an uncultured buffoon, this was my favorite episode. I'll be honest, Alice Cooper and Andy Warhol were the only characters that I thought I was supposed to recognize as historical figures. This was the first episode where I found every storyline engaging, and it was fun from start to finish. I've always been a huge

Wasting time trying every average thing that seems acclaimed on the Tomatometer? Watch 15% less mediocre movies by switching to Metacritic.

I used to be the biggest advocate for owning physical CD's, and now I get a little sick every time somebody talks about owning music. I don't see the point anymore. It's so limiting. Now I listen to an album I've never heard every single night. I've probably converted more people to Spotify than most of their

"Melancholy" had me hoping he would change the chord progressions and make the songs sad, but they're mostly the same and happy.

and Juliet Burke!

I distinctly remember between seasons 4 and 5 insisting to my LOST friends that Jin had to be dead, and that it would be "dumb" if he wasn't. I'm so glad in retrospect that we got him for two more seasons though. His and Sun's submarine scene had me an emotional mess for days.

He says "WE'RE the survivors of Oceanic 815!"

It was revealed in season two that Boone spoke with Bernard over the radio.

Can we freak out about the fact that Noel predicted the two big pieces moving around a board thing over a year in advance?