
What if they make next season straight up about another cluster.

Lost Classic review commenters, where you at?

So are we just ignoring the fact that Paul is gay and that it's basically his main arc so far or…

Um… I would call Ben turning out to not be omnipotent the intentional tragedy of the character's story, not a flaw in the writing…

I love how Miss Klugh says "You don't seem to know much about him, Michael" in the same way that Susan's lawyer did earlier in the series. It's one of my favorite LOST details. There's the face value of the repetition of tone and phrase being eerie to begin with, and then there's the brilliance of how this subtly

I've watched this series at least five times through and have never caught on that Jack let Shannon's dad die till these reviews. Meanwhile, I have explanations/theories for every other nitpicky detail in the show that you can name. It's the fact that I'm still making connections and learning things about

This show couldn't exist now anyway. They'd all end up being super heroes.