
Incorrect Word Usage
"…although Matt seemed to have doubts about Caroline's mother's view of vampires, he still isn't ready to be a vampire's girlfriend."

For all you str8 people who probably don't watch many indie gay flicks, enjoy Greg's freshman performance in the movie "Trick" where he meets a hot go go boy on the subway and they attempt to find somewhere to consummate their LTR. OK, he's not performing as much as standing at a urinal:

Adechike's emotional moment
My sister and I both thought that the only reason that Adechike was moved to tears after his NappyTabs routine was Comfort slapping the shit out of him right before she packed her suitcase to go. We rewound it several times and she really nails him…that was no stage slap! Perhaps the

I am suspicious that the only way to keep EAWMia Michaels as a choreographer was to pacify her with a season as a judge. She probably pitched a fit of Sonya-like movement when they stopped having the rotating 3rd judge and gave the position to Adam. In past seasons I thought her critiques were valid and quite

I wouldn't say that Bill has completely ventured to the "dark side". Rather, he's learning better how to play the vampire politics game. The flashbacks served partly to illustrate his behavior as a "baby" vampire by him rushing back into his wife's life and creating misery, chaos and suffering for himself since his

I'm with Silly Buns on this one. Lorena commanded Bill to make love to her and, as pointed out in the flashbacks, he had no choice but to comply and take his clothes off. I'd say that Bill is actually the one being constantly raped by Lorena - she took his family, his human life and continues to have power over him.

Best Line of the Night
"I know that Wapakeneta has a lot of cows, does it have many cougars? Well, you've got one now!"

They've made the point that Sookie can only read what is in a person's mind at the moment she makes contact with them, the big reason she didn't discover Rene until the end of Season 1. Perhaps if Jason envisions Sookie with a big bullet hole…

Yeah, if I were asked at 18 on national TV what I wanted in a woman, I probably would have shouted, "MADONNA!" For Kent, I thought that he mostly likely wanted to BE Beyonce, not bump wobbly bits with her.

My friend immediately recognized him as well and stalked him on Facebook. Apparently he doesn't get far because someone left a comment on his face, "That sucks that you can't continue because of your visa problems."

I won't spend the money on a rental, but I will smoke a bowl and watch it when it finally shows up on HBO.

More Mo Collins, please
I really hope that the writers find many reasons to have Leslie appear on Pawnee Today (LIVE from the Pawnee Rec Center!). This is the second episode where Mo Collins has appeared as the host and I can't get enough. Perhaps I'm secretly in love with her character Trina from MadTV, but I had

I didn't get that last bit either. That's exactly why I come here the next day: to fully understand the jokes I'm sure were funny, but I have no idea why.

Do you mean the guy Selma was petting like a dog? I thought it was her son, since the entire party had a "Welcome Back, Mother!" theme.

I was raised Mormon and in my experience, our family of six children was the exception and not the rule. In our congregation of about 600, there were only 4-5 families with more than 4 kids. Of course, I wasn't raised in Utah, so perhaps things are different behind the Zion Curtain.

I pinned this to my office wall once to inspire myself and my very rotund office mates:

He was really cut because of the scheduling interference with his guest stint on The Simpsons as Sideshow Bob.

Thirded. But I suppose I'm ok with coming here to read bitchy comments about 65% of my TV viewing and Television W/O Pity for the remainder.

LDS people are counseled to keep a food storage in the basement just in case some major shit goes down. When you store massive amounts of grain or beans like that, insects can eventually break into your containers, so you try to cycle through it regularly to keep it fresher. That scene made a lot of sense to me

Sterling's date
"We have to work on your cover story…and I have to hit an ATM."