
I also liked "The only way to take out a dark passenger is by killing the driver" and "I was stupid for thinking this religious garbage would cure me of my dark passenger!" I laugh pretty much every time Dexter says "dark passenger" in a voice over.

I hear that she hates playing vampire towns.

Damn straight. If you run across Panda Bear in a dark alley, you better believe he'll gank your bankroll.

I've never seen it but since everyone on this site is nuts about it, I'll check it out. I need something new to watch on Instant since finishing my re-watch of Breaking Bad.

I hate it when some mark ass bitch accuses an entire fan base of pretending to like a musician/band/song/album/movie/TV show/book in order to seem 'hip'. That's bollocks*.

You won't get any guff from me.

They must've cut that in syndication because I just watched that clip on Youtube and I have definitely not seen it 8,000 times, unlike every other part of that episode.

I suppress all laughs whenever I have to sit through a few minutes of Big Bang Theory (which isn't very difficult) but I actively root for The Simpsons. I give the show courtesy laughs if I recognize something to be kind of clever but not all that funny. I don't really know why I do this since nobody's around but we

Poor Richard Dunn.

She'll probably be outside Rockefeller Center, flashing her tits to the poor unsuspecting people waiting in line.

I've watched every episode this season and I don't know who most of the new characters are either. For the first seven or eight episodes I'd always think "who the hell is that?" whenever Batista's sister or the video game wizard intern who hacks into Internet Protocol addresses (IPA for short) to get better search

Who says DK64 was bad? It was one of the best games on Nintendo 64, damn it! It had a coconut gun AND the DK Rap for Christ's sake!

I want him to rehash his hip hop dance instructor character from 10-15 years ago. He twirled around an invisible lasso while tapping his foot. It was his only move and it was hilarious.

I remember listening to This Is Happening for the first time while driving. I was thinking "All right, all right. I'm kind of digging this." Maybe I was doing some minor head nodding. Then at ~3 minutes the song just went kerPLOW!!! and blew my fucking face off. I turned the volume up as loud as my shitty speakers

"You can't use 'Thundergun' as a verb, it's the man's name!"

It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times?!

The sudden appearance of a cat elevated the anime sequence to another level. If only it had been wearing a monocle.

Maybe now we'll get a video of Rubberman playing "They Have the Plant but We Have the Power" and "Classical Gas" on an acoustic guitar…

"Cops and Roger" is really good. The exploding head gag made me laugh harder than anything else I've seen on AD.

J.P. McPickleshitter, not if your son looks like Moe Syzlak. You could dress him up like a Depression-era hoodlum and nickname him something like "The Bronx Bruiser".