
Are you sure you didn't mistake "Louis CK" for "Laurel Canyon" - as in "that sweet, smooth, Laurel Canyon sound"? That I could buy.

I believe he was referring to Harris Whittels the jam band aphishionado (Hiyooo!).

You don't like Apizza Scholls? I've never had the real deal NY pie so I can't make a comparison but I think Scholls is pretty effing good.

I laughed out loud every time Eddie Olmos showed up on-screen and no one was around to see him except for Colin Hanks. Watching him strut around all menacingly knowing that he was almost certainly imaginary was hilarious. I felt kind of bad though since I really like Eddie Olmos. 

I'm just happy they didn't wait until the season finale to reveal the "shocking" twist (cue the screeching violins). Oy vey, three more episodes of Gellar escaping without Dexter seeing him would have been unbearable.

Those pyramid tomb bills aren't going to pay themselves.

We had no home front, we had no soft soap

Have you seen the post-apocalyptic Heaven VS Hell episode? Or the one where Stan goes back in time to remake Taxi Driver? Or the one with trench warfare between The Smiths and Santa and his elves? American Dad Christmas episodes are something we can all rejoice over. They are awesome.

The band is going on a world tour but all of their songs are about things that are very specific to their hometown. But then they abandoned that for silly reaction shots - which was probably the right call because they were pretty hilarious.

Watch the Christmas episodes. They're all brilliant.

Dead dove. Do not eat.

I've seen the whole series like 20 goddamn times but I haven't watched an episode in at least a year. It's time to return.

It's settled! After reading this thread, I'm re-watching AD.

Don't worry, these young beauties have been nowhere near the bananas.

Is Cougar Town any good? I know it can't beat the brilliant Cougarton Abbey but is the American remake worth watching? I may have prematurely shot my hate-wad without ever having actually seen the show. 

The kids are into bath salts these days.

I'll second the Busch Light in orange camouflage cans and throw Natural Ice into the mix.

Who wouldn't want to be like Frank Booth?

Colt 45? Fuck that shit, St. Ides!

It's still a white trash beer. Hipsters (goddamn am I sick of reading/hearing that word) drink it ironically.