
I wasn't a big fan of the three episode Mysterion arc from last season (I think it was last season) but he was awesome in this episode. Kenny protecting his sister and serving up heaping plates of justice through vicious beatings and planted PBR cans was great.

Or a Dale Earnhardt memorial plate

What do you think about coffee, Larry? I think it tastes best in a thick mug.

And Keith Richards putting up storm windows because "winter's coming".

It's real food.


Yep, I've been drinkin' again.

I'm still trying to figure out why the guy added a photo. Why bother, especially with one that's so innocuous?

Why don't you go back to IGN and masturbate over their review with your tears?

Scott Jones may be a tool but you know who isn't? Alex Jones. Amiright, bro?

Is American Dad in danger of being cancelled? That would be devastating.

Christ, I almost spit coffee onto my computer when I saw your avatar. I thought I had escaped that face.

You hate Leslie? Oy vey.

How about the Leslie/Ron relationship? Leslie setting up Ron's perfect birthday - watching Bridge on the River Kwai, eating a giant steak, and drinking scotch in solitude. That shit was sweet, man! That's a hell of a friendship.

Infinite Jest is The Entertainment

Whitney is 'bout to blast some mutherfuckers if she don't get herself a pack of Newport and some Honey Nut.

That was the best season of Top Chef.

I want GTA in a futuristic space city w/ lasers, aliens, flying cars, etc. That may sound retarded but I think it would be pretty, pretty, good.

This past summer, all of America was trying to solve the mystery of who (killed Rosie Larson)

then they found out it was the baby.

I really wanted to hate this show but it's pretty funny. Sunny-lite.