
It could definitely work in a Halloween episode. I mean Christ, they turned the whole cast into zombies last year.

I thought that maybe the "Evil Timeline" story would carryover into this episode. It's probably not going to happen but it would be pretty cool to see evil Troy and Abed show up with their stick-on goats for a parallel universe showdown.

I'm partial to the Cinco Innernette. All my sites are available on one CD-ROM and there's no connection required so I can keep my phone line free!

Can't stop listening to "Green Aisles". I'm going to ruin that song for myself inside of a week.

"Helicopter" is a pretty goddamned good song. Admit it.

Laugh free? You didn't get a kick out of the cheap Darth Vader "Nooooo!" gag? No snicker? No chortle?

I'd expect Wikileaks jokes from The Simpsons right about now but South Park is usually much more timely. I was happy to see Lemmiwinks return though. The Mr. Slave/Lemmiwinks episode is one of my favorites.

A good Community reference will always get a "like" from me.

I'm Rustyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

They do say that.

Eckhart? ECKHART?!?!?!

Banging bones on skeleton heads was the line of the episode. Analyze Phish is so great. It's a shame it's probably only going to be a ~once a month type of thing. At least we know that it will go on forever since Phish sucks so much.

Thanks Podmass. I had no idea the Pod F. Thompkast had returned. Re-subscribed!

Word. Now Adult Swim needs to give Scott Aukerman, Paul F. Thompkins, Matt Besser, et al. their own show/shows.

Has Adam Scott ever NOT been so freaking awesome in anything he's been in?

I'll tell you one thing about San Diego…I hate the people, I hate the food, I hate the weather.

My favorite sight gag was Stan breaking in through the window during the meeting of the Fast Food Army and just collapsing into a heap on the ground before getting up and drunkenly stumbling around and shooting his gun. I think he may have thrown up too.

I was hoping for a Moral Orel season 3-esque back half of this season of South Park but that doesn't seem very likely. Solid episode overall though. Great last shot.