Twin Cities Trash Bin

I never understood why the turtles felt the need for masks.

This was the largest concert hall ticket I could afford. Should I therefore be made the subject of fun, huh?

I think when Cy calls the team together, it is his way of sowing dissension. He alludes that there might be reason that people are getting out of Deadwood and challenges any of his employees to walk away too.

I'm tall. I like rock shows. I like getting close. I don't use a phone at all but I do jump around a lot. I feel bad for folks behind me. I often invite those to move in front of me. But I will not confine myself to the backest row spots simply because I am tall. I am sorry if I ruin a show for you.

I think the parallels there are definite. There seems to be a kinship Al feels with "broken people" (as mentioned in the talk over the blowjob and again in season 2 when Trixie spills the beans about how Jewel came to work for Al).
It's one of the things I like most about his character.

Huh. Mance is Rhaegar, huh? Never heard this but have just looked up some interesting theorizing that is interesting.
Point of small clarification: how old would Rhaegar be if he were still alive? How do we clear away the (I believe) fact that Mance used to be a man of the Night's Watch and has a pretty detailed

Yeah I too was really *upset* that the whole Tyrion/Jaime discussion included NONE of the Tysha stuff at all and, actually, was a pretty tender moment. Clearly showrunners have different ideas in mind (see also the fact that Jaime and Ceirsei "do it" on the white table, no less, which is, unless I miss my memory,

Okay so I agree that I totally wanted this to happen but I think mostly as a "HA! Bet you didn't see THAT shit coming!" kind of moment. I mean, the more I think about it (and it's been some time since I've reread her sections in Crows) her only real purpose in the narrative (so far at least) is to A. show that others

This fucking record.
That is all.

Haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet but I was giddy at this quote "Oberyn’s little hoodrat friend makes him sick. But after he gets sick, he just gets sad."
I can't wait to see what this means, for a couple of reasons. 1. I love Oberyn. 2. The Hold Steady.

Oh and Joy is equally disinteresting to me

Number line, while full of barely swallowable lyrics (even though they "mean"something) usually at least has a pretty blissed out jam portion. the other two, though, are pee songs for me.

This record first struck me as weak and not what I was hoping/praying for in a new THS record. On third listen, however, I have reconciled my expectations, swallowed my rage that they can't make Separation Sunday #2, and have realized that it might be their *best* record, as a collection of music and songs and

Politely disagree. Perhaps less catchy but no less good as Attack on Memory and maybe not all the "new" from that record but still. Plenty of builds, plenty of explodes, plenty of aggression and just enough pop.
Plus Pattern Walks is just incredible. I do wonder at the loss of the second guitarist, though,


Baby Gerald. His name is Baby Gerald. Do your homework.

and based on the review of the latest episode, they did it again. though not exactly as i predicted.

I will undoubtedly never find the time to watch again. Please update me if my prediction proves correct. Or if it doesn't, I guess, too.

I have watched exactly one episode of this show (tonight's) and therefore can confidently predict that blond subway survivor was a plant from the Carrolers in order to get close to Bacon.

what pissed me off about the dead dad countdown was, as i recall, that the show made it seem like the countdown was to lily being pregnant and then, whoop, out goes the carpet and dead goes the dad.