Twin Cities Trash Bin

also, leave "martin" out of it.

That is the only thing that I can think of.

I might be dense but what did Ray's "almost makes me q my g" line mean?

Read the books.

So there might be a (sort of) connection between Barton Fink in this show, in that Malvo and Goodman's character are both sort of devils on earth.

Perhaps the robot question is similar to the animal question in BoJack; some are friends and some are food. NO MORAL GREY AREA.

is it possible (if not terrible) that sansa "let" him rape her? or, in other words, submitted without a fight to the thing that she knew was going to happen? littlefinger told her to use what she had to get revenge which i assume she knows means sex.
also i think littlefinger's "plan" is to marry sansa.

yeah but in books when a certain character may or may not fall in river and then be saved it is unclear to others in group if that person may or may not have the scale. so water does not equal scale, in my memories of books.

shut the fuck up donnie

for me it was the noise that made it extra "sexed". previous archer sex was "graphic" but this one sounded like sex. plus lana's dick comment.

My fear is that Jessica Walters is not well. Her readings have been "off" all season and that coupled with the quantity has me worried.

I assumed they were hiding in the boat. Until, that is, the stick figures showed up (followed immediately by Saul walking past the boat and in to the hills).
Also, the Kettlemens should have sent a toe in the mail. That's how you kidnap yourself.

My personal favorite is when Homer says "Maybe if he had better arch support they wouldn't have caught him" in response to Bart's line "Jesus wore sandals."
The very idea that Jesus was trying to escape "them" and that it was only poor arch support that allowed "them" to catch him just destroys me. Plus the delivery

It's been a long time since I read it, but I seem to recall Eugenides Middlesex handled this issue well. Even making it seem "okay".

Put this on for the kid the other day. I was only half watching it for most of the film. The scene, though, where we learn that Tiny Tim has died…before I knew it I was full on teared up. Heavy heavy stuff. The little hitch in Kermit's voice is just…

I started watching that show cause i have a 5 year old and it was gentler but really grew on how they did, like, b/c list heroes/villains. also dug that they had the little mini shows before the episodes. it was a really good run.

Batman, Brave and the Bold has a really nice final episode that totally references that it's getting cancelled.

Started out giggling at cheap animal jokes.
Then got a little bored with show.
Then started getting more into it as they moved away (sort of) from cheap animal jokes and actually sort of sort of developed characters and story.
Then really liked the ending.
It's worth watching through for the, I believe, second to last

The Hold Steady's "Stay Positive" off album of same name. Sure it's a tad reductive or whatever but it pretty much sums up what they want to do as a band. Lyrics like "the sing-along songs will be our scriptures" pretty much declare that they are a band that writes rock songs that can be played in sweaty bars with

I figured it was so if they ever wanted to go on vacation, they could leave the masks behind and if they bumped in to Shredder he would just assume they were ordinary teenage mutant turtles.