Twin Cities Trash Bin

Weird indeed.
Also there's a link in the description to a free and totally band-approved download of the show.  Sound is killer.
If you ever get to see them, hangout after the set; they're pretty fond of hanging out afterwards and totally open to conversation.

Oh for sure.  Saw them in Iowa City a couple of weeks ago and all the new tracks sounded great and really fit with the old stuff as well.
I assume you've seen this:

I know I'm a month late and probably commenting to nobody but I feel the need to weigh in and say that yes, the production values are (oddly) flat and overly distorted.  One benefit of this, as I hear it, is an increased emphasis on the bass lines.
And, as an album, it is a little "empty" but does hang together and

My sort of thought on this is that yeah the mix is way off but that it oddly allows the bass-line to, like, stand out way more than usual.  Which I like.

I always wanted to buy two of these Calving peeing on things stickers, one big and one small, and cut and paste them so that Calving was peeing on Calving peeing on something.  It seemed a long way to go, though, for a small message so I never actually did it.

Sort of hard.  Some were sort of telegraphed based on the responses.  There were some that I feel I missed or, if I got the gist of the joke, wished I knew the exact translation.  I did find myself wishing they'd subtitled it.

This has to exist.

So…Pam staged/filmed a tentacle porn shoot in the bathroom with drugged Cryil and Ray?

Radiohead: Airbag and Paranoid Android.
The Hold Steady: Positive Jam and The Swish.

He's a good man.  And thorough.

For whatever record there is, I got the impression that they didn't all fall asleep for three days but rather, they turned the heat up on Friday afternoon to flush Archer out, finished Gillette's surgery, took the weekend off, came back on Monday (having forgot to turn the heat off or whatever) and then, boom, out

Worked for Ween.

Worked for Ween.

Animal Collective record, while not a blow out, isn't a let down.  They pushed the limits of their sound even more, adding some pretty seriously lush layers that are either distracting fluff or engaging complexity, depending. 
I first dismissed it as too weird (even for them) but have revisited it with more positive

Animal Collective record, while not a blow out, isn't a let down.  They pushed the limits of their sound even more, adding some pretty seriously lush layers that are either distracting fluff or engaging complexity, depending. 
I first dismissed it as too weird (even for them) but have revisited it with more positive

I would like to think that there might have been a second option to euthanizing the dog.

I would like to think that there might have been a second option to euthanizing the dog.

Speaking of Mad Men women, do people still talk about Christina Hendricks as being attractive? Cause if so she's my answer.

Speaking of Mad Men women, do people still talk about Christina Hendricks as being attractive? Cause if so she's my answer.