A Harvard Professor

@ An Angry God
Yeah - I agree with you. I just have to make fun of the fact that in a lot of interviews or reviews on this site, you'll see people scream LIFETIME PASS - only to see a merciless backlash a mere year or two later. The word is thrown around a little too often.
I also agree that a pass should not be

Hi, An Angry God, a lifetime pass is something people hand out to someone who they discover before they hit it big. They are convinced that this indie work is indicative of the work the performer will always do. Then, when said person does hit it big and starts producing more main-stream stuff, the original person

You know who I'd like to see go after this firstie poster?

No, you guys are not alone. Time of Your Life was fucking terrible.

I've got a hardcore pron. for you: me!
Or maybe I.


Sorry to disappoint, Lay It Down Clown.
Welp, thanks for logging out to bash me. That way I can still high-five your log-in user name.

@ Fireball - I know, right? I'm filled with a tremendous amount of self-loathing for that very reason. I shouldn't take it out on you guys, but it's a better alternative to beating my wife.

This song came out when you were in middle school?!

I think Jessica Simpson is attractive and charismatic. But if you guys don't think so, I don't want to get left hangin'.

Nacho? That you?

Also, my boy Nacho gives discount digital rectal exams at a really good price. He's saving up to replace his flat tire, but his medical van should be in a neighborhood near you soon.

@ Binky: It was honey and sweater lint, thank you.

And I apologized for that, Binky. Let it go already. Cocaine is a hell of drug.

So I'm the only one that liked Sister Act 2, huh?

Thanks for sharing, For The Record!

I don't want to be late to the hate.
Who we hatin' on? Who we hatin' on?

I hate them too! High five!

I'm happy to hear of your delightful experiences - both at home an abroad. Some day, with luck, I will have a similar one.

If you mean try partying with old people, I think we all have plenty of experiences of partying with older people at family get togethers and what not. If you mean spend some time abroad, believe me when I say I'm well traveled. I just don't feel the need to trot out my travelogue to get validation from an