A Harvard Professor

Well, see you later, boners.
The HP is signing off for good. Looking back through my posts, I realize how much time I've spent commenting and reading comments about people like Snooki. Like the rest of you, I wait in the fishbowl that is the AV Club comment section until one of the writers sprinkles a little

Yes, this is actually the first G to G post where I have wanted to go out and explore it more. I'm happy with the subject. Also, my wife fucking loves Pink Martini, and I like what I've heard above better, so maybe I can get her into this too. As a hipster with a non-hipster wife, it's always good when we can share

Ah, Hollywood. What won't they think of next?

Speaking of which, who's your favorite Spin City lead? Mike Fox or Chuck Sheen?

No way, man. I'm in too deep. I'm gonna blow the lid off this whole operation.

I'll give you that, guys. I'm not saying that firsties aren't lame (I actually felt pretty lame doing it). I'm just wondering why it was deleted. It's sort of eerie when you come back and the post isn't there.
Given the flagrant use of profanity and racism from many of the posters on this site, it just makes me

Speaking of Sieges . . .
Does someone want to tell my why my firstie got deleted? Was there an inappropriate response.
All I said was First Locker.

You said what we all were thinking.

Oh, and by the Transitive Law, Harvard Professor = Rilke

This is America. They just opened a McDonalds inside the McDonalds near Harvard.

That was my favorite place to get music when I lived in Denver. They let you listen to the cds before buying them.

Have you tried logging off the AV Club? No? Well, you're in luck, otto man. I've been collecting all your comments, and I am compiling a book called "My Life Reading AV Club Commentor: otto mann empire".

Twist & Shout?

I swear to god, if that's you Lone Audience . . .

Arsenio, are you joking?!

Dude, have you SEEN your tattoo?

Dunk, I think they highlight many things wrong with American society, but unless they show a clip of the 1/2 mile long line that forms outside the drive-in window at the McDonalds every day near my job, then I wouldn't say they've covered everything.
(Oddly, or not, the parking lot has plenty of parking.)

May I pause this thread for a moment to say that I am listening to Europe's Final Countdown album for the first time in more than 20 years right now, and it is absolutely making my day. And I'm not talking about the title track. Try listening to Cherokee, Danger on the Track, Rock the Night or Heart of Stone without

So sad . . .
What have you ever done with your life?

LAotA: I don't think it means the giver will watch anything the recipient has done. I think it means the recipient can be forgiven of any truly terrible movies/albums/books, etc. I think Steve Martin (or you mentioned Bill Murray) is a good example. I most likely wouldn't go see Cheaper by the Dozen or any of its