A Harvard Professor

This . . . Changes . . . Everything
Now I don't know whether to spend the next 15 seconds thinking about this or bite into my PB&J.

You, sir, have a charcoal black soul - spewing a new strand of hate on a site about hate during a discussion about hate. You carve out a new depth of self-loathing and insecurity. A five is not good enough for that kind of anger. You, my friend, get . . . a . . . CHEST BUMP! Yeah! Fuck fiery cancer aids, fuck

1. Thank you, Gern, for proving my point about baseball defender posts being boring.
2. No one could take me in Strat-O-Matic in 4th - 6th grade (OtP knows what I'm talking about) so I get the science and strategy behind the stats.
3. You guys had one good point - most baseball fans start young. That being said -

Aw, shucks. I love you guys. Who else is it generally assumed that we all hate that we can express our rage towards? Um. . . .
MICHAEL BOLTON! Yes! Fuck Michael Bolton. AmIright?
Can! Someone! Please! Put! Five! Fingers! High!? Cause here comes the HP with big ol' fat high five!
This shit is better than ice

If baseball is even half as boring as the explanation its defenders give for its enjoyment, then it is fucking BOOORIINNG! Also, you gotta give it up to Cal Ripken. I cannot make it through 1 baseball game, I can't imagine sitting through thousands. Is there a "Congratulations for not killing yourself" award? He

Right on guys. High five!

High five!

High five! Right on, man! I feel the same. And here we are, on the same web site. No, come on, seriously. Five. Up high.

High five!

Jay Leno sucks!
AmIright? Yeah! High five over here! Hey, did you hear what I said about Jay Leno? Yeah, that guy sucks. Oh, you think so too? No way! Me too. Wait . . . didn't I see you on the last Jay Leno post saying you thought Jay Leno sucks? Yeah, I was there too. Somebody said they liked Jay Leno and

Hi, OtP:
As a guy who has differing opinions from yours, I clearly don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. With that out of the way: baseball is fucking boring and I can't wait until it collapses because nobody watches it. I give it maybe 5 more years. Thank god for steroids, and the ensuing scandal, or it would

HipsterDBag: you are refreshing.

Jay, your condemnation of Tobias made about as much sense as Emile Guigal making a cab-merlot blend.

Did I just steal first?
Oh, fuck me!

Cop Out? More like Cock Out!
No, more like Cop Out. I don't know why I said that.


I've been mulling it over and the best, and most accurate, way I can describe Bateman's performance in Dodgeball is: Heather Graham-ish. He appears as if he were picked off the streets with no training, told he was going to be in a real movie (if you can call it that) and to just go nuts. The result was awful

That's fucking awesome. In the review of the last episode, the reviewer linked to a site that suggested Archer would not be renewed. I literally e-mailed FX and told what I thought about that (yes, I know it was pointless, but I was angry).
Archer is the funnies thing I've seen in a while (I also liked the premier

You want me to see a comedy about going to prison? Well, ok. But only if their are jokes about prison rape and making alcohol in the toilet. Cause that's comic gold!

Excellent Archer reference DPA.