A Harvard Professor

Jason Bateman's character on The Ocho in Dodgeball is the worst acting I've ever seen in my life. And I love me some Bateman. Even Teen Wolf 2. But, really? He even looked out of place before he opened his mouth.
Please see Best in Show for good faux commentating.

Shut up, Lobsters.
Shut up, Jim.
Shut up, Mantan.
Shut up, stepin.
Shut up mush.
Shut up brush.
Shut up old lady whispering hush.

Tweets about cupcakes.

Please disappear back into your black and white cartoon world. Also, I should have mentioned that scene in Extras. That was the second I knew Extras was awesome.

You are not alone, haysoos. I hate Zoolander and I hate Ben Stiller. I mean really hate Ben Stiller. I wrote a song about it. I player for people later. They laughed. With me.

Everything Ben Stiller is in is total shit.*

Gotta lovem gotta lovem gotta lovem. I'm off to Yoga.

@ Tarkovkys former AD

That's what I was trying to say.

What are you doing to him?! Get away from him. He's not a monster. He's NOT A MONSTER! Nooooooo!

No. I shall prove you all wrong. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you:

Being John Malkovitch: A guy, uh, goes into another guy's brain.
> Like a surgeon?
No, like, uh, he get's to his brain through a door.
> Not like a surgeon?
NO! Just listen. He like, uh, can see what that guys sees, or something.
> Like a psychic?
No! It's like . . . if he goes in this door, he becomes this guy. Fuck it,

I read it as Request For Kashi. It's a request I submit to my wife before grocery shopping days.
I wrote a screenplay about that once and mailed it to: Hollywood. I just assumed someone got it and green-lit it. Sound far fetched? They just made a movie about Battleship bitches.

Yay Hollywood!
Get your green-light on!
(not a Green Lantern reference)

If he can't beat you on the court, he can always beat you off.

It's funny that the thread has gone this way. This was a post I had on another page at 3:35 (yes just 2 minutes after this one) that I posted because a bunch of blowhards were trying to correct each other about politics, philosophy, etc.

I met the guy that played the evil sensai last year at an opening day pre-party. He has not aged a bit. Also, you'd think he'd be over the evil sensai recognition, but he takes it in pretty good stride. My buddy was DJing and started up You're the Best Around. He laughed about it. He may have been crying on the

I would like to start a threat about . . .
Religion, philosophy, racism, and politics - as it relates to the new Karate Kid.

It's threads like this that make me hate liberal arts colleges. You never hear business school freshman spouting off their recently learned math theories.

wrecksracer, are you sure there were innocent people that got waterboarded? I'm pretty sure they ask suspects if they're terrorists before they start that business up.