
Rashomon is digivolving!

Nearly. NEARLY!

Not neraly as inspirational as
Celine Dion's rendition of "You Shook Me All Night Long."

Armond White babbling on about how Band Slam is a better movie than Inglourious Basterds would be unbearable to watch on TV.

It's only a matter of time before Jessica Alba gets an award.

I hope
Blade shows up at one of these.

Piven isn't wearing a fedora
So that his plugs can breath.

Please spontaneously combust.

He also started World War II.

I saw M. Butterfly when I was 9. Yeeah…

You can model your giant goiter.

The "J." stands for Jackson.

"Billy Jean Dream"
"Cool J claims he was tempted to write "Billy Jean Dream" when the lyrics came to him in a dream."

It'd be better
If he was ordered by the court to be Jerry Seinfeld's butler.

Your wish for CancerAIDS has been granted.

Fatass Princess doesn't have the same ring.

Yeah, nothing is more awesome than three guys in mid-air in the same exact animation.

Joe Pesci.

I usually feature Akon.

I love how the person typing in the message window felt the need to use HTML to alert the other person. Fucking huge ass text.