
Wait…Lemur works for TMZ? Which one are you?

A commonly overlooked graphic novel is Mark Gruenwald's Squadron Supreme run. A Justice League pastiche escaping a dying universe? Epic.

I don't know about Harry Potter but I'm DEFINITELY sure Twilight is bestiality at its ripest.

Well…yeah! That's why they extended the nominees for Best Picture to 10 movies.

I've heard great things about From Hell but handing it to someone that has never read a comic/ graphic novel in their life may do the opposite and scare them away from the medium.

From Hell
I don't know how I feel about it as a first book. I really like Alan Moore but I've always found it to be WAY too long. Its like an Encyclopedia.

American Splendor.

I know it wasn't mentioned
But I really liked his Annihilation mini-series he wrote for Marvel for both Super Skrull and Wraith.

But…no gerbils?

Any chance of an Alan Moore interview in the future?
Are your AV Clubbers old enough to learn about Snake Gods?

I have failed but thanks for giving me the link!

Well yeah but AV Club hasn't even written an article or anything about Comic Con.

I'm surprised David Mack isn't on here.
Maybe he's not on the same level of Liefeld or Greg Land but bless his soul, he tries.

Will do!

I guess AV Club is bit interested in comic books these days.
That's couple articles on comics these past few days. The comic books artists one, the Grant Morrison one, and now Bissette.

Yeah i find it funny a horror comedy has a soundtrack comprised of Panic At The Disco.

Chip. Heh.
And who name's their son Chip these days?

Does she kill people with her thumbs?

Fuck this double post.

Steak Knife?
I foresee a trend of kitchen utensil named episodes.