Dont Flag Me Bro

At least we got to the sixth paragraph before the word "privilege" popped up. In the overall context of online reviews, it seems like this should be cited as some sort of major accomplishment.

Based on the tenor and content of the recent comments here, I'll take that as the highest possible compliment.

My two comments are more in line than you might think, although it would make more sense to read the second before the first. However, it's clear that everyone here just wants to compete to see how morally superior they can appear, and I really don't have any interest that, so I will take my leave.

I believe none of this.

My username is now dated on two fronts. It references both the "don't tase me, bro" incident from a long time ago and the concern users had once the commenting system required us to register (we used to be able to comment anonymously) that being "flagged" — which used to be a part of the commenting system — would lead

I'm not. It was just a general observation.

After watching the embedded video in the article, I'm comfortable saying this is something I'll be skipping.

This might be the most insightful comment I've seen on here lately. However, I would add one additional wrinkle: with anything involving Cameron Esposito, the curve is two (or more often, three) letter grades. It's a minor miracle her first special wasn't given an A++.

"to find there feet"

You listed three possibilities, not four.

"United 93" was actually a great movie. A lot of the people involved in the situation on the ground actually played themselves in it.

That's still better than the students (always guys) who assert that "Fight Club" is the greatest film ever made.

Did the mods delete your terrible firstie (which was tasteless, even for you), or did you come to your senses and delete it yourself?

We weren't allowed to watch Carmen videos ("too rock and roll"). But Adventures in Odyssey? I think we had every available tape of that show. I actually credit it for fueling a later-in-life interest in old radio dramas. If I'm remembering correctly, the show even had an Orson Welles wannabe who moved to town and

Was the Power Team those wrestlers who would beat the crap out of each other and then share the Gospel?

I didn't grow up in the Reformed tradition; I didn't become a part of it until I transitioned out of the fire-and-brimstone Baptists that are typically associated with Southern churches. In the Reformed tradition, all men are definitely sinners, but it's far from hopeless and has a rich intellectual tradition (Calvin,

I haven't been a part of that church for a long time (for obvious reasons), but I'm a practicing Protestant in the Reformed (i.e., Calvinist) tradition.

This movie brings up uncomfortable memories. At the church my family attended when I was young, we had a New Year's Eve service every year. A screening of this film was the featured attraction, a reminder that we were one year closer to the Rapture. It always scared the crap out of me.

That headline wouldn't have been making fun of the idea of mail-order brides; it would have been making fun of NBC's decision making. Some people might have misinterpreted it, but that's on them, not you.

No, if you upgrade to the latest edition, it completely crashes whatever sense of humor software you have installed.