Dont Flag Me Bro

Over the last few years, this site has become almost a completely different
animal, often recognizable in name only. IV and Dowd are still writing solid film reviews, but everything else — from the darker, smarmier Newswire content to the food junk to the pointlessly endless "Great Job, Internet!" videos to the angry,

Oh, the days when an opening credits sequence could run a full two minutes, with the first actual credit not appearing on screen until a full minute of montages had elapsed.

I thought the same thing. If a trailer for a comedy starring The Rock can't elicit a single laugh, the movie's in serious trouble.

In a weird way, "Baywatch Nights" showed just how big "The X-Files" had become. I stumbled across an episode on YouTube a while back, and apparently, they're all up there. No one cares enough to submit a copyright claim.

Did this show actually wrap in a non-cliffhangery way? I'm planning on watching it eventually, but it always irks me when a show gets the ax and provides little or no sense of closure.

I'm worried this is going to be the next "Sleeping with Other People." I hope my fears turn out to be completely unfounded.

To what would you compare Schwab's work? I've been thinking of checking out that trilogy.

Spoiler alert: things don't really work out for Bartleby, so you probably shouldn't take that approach at work, no matter how tempting it might be.

One unexpected benefit of this interview: determining, once and for all, the identity of the stupidest man on the planet. I can't believe some schmuck who was married to her was dumb enough to cheat on her with over a dozen different women.

I didn't realize Joe Don Baker was still angry about "Mitchell."

The upcoming Arrow blu-ray release will include a 4K of both cuts.

I knew this was coming, and I still laughed.

It's a lot like war: long periods of boredom punctured by abrupt and terrifying moments of anxiety.

It should exist because a significant drop-off in both the quality of analysis and the writing takes place as soon as you step outside of those two reviewers. It has nothing to do with the gender of the writers, but you are awarded today's lazy, clichéd internet comment points for trying to shoehorn that into what I'm

This review is Exhibit A for why an impenetrable firewall should exist between the two main film reviewers (IV and Dowd) and the Newswire writers.

I still thought it was funny at times, but it definitely didn't hit the consistent highs of his black and white special. It probably doesn't help that if you listen to his podcast regularly and then watch his most recent special, you hear how the bits he begins to explore on a weekly basis eventually develop into his

He actually didn't abandon it; records from the time showed he desperately wanted to finish editing it while in South America, but communications (not to mention transporting film reels across thousands of miles) between him and the studio people became next to impossible. RKO wanted to rush the production to


This is a terribly insensitive comment.

It's comments like yours that have driven away all the people who used to make these comments section enjoyable. Now it's just people projecting their anger about other issues into their responses to the content of the articles.